consoles have ruined PC games?

well, take your head out of the basket.

DX10, they're moving towards this "Windows LIVE" shit. They're starting to more and more dictate to developers how things should be done. Microsoft thinks it has the control, and they kind of do, in the PC development arena.
there's no kind of requirement for games to be dx10 or especially dx10 only
windows live is just a framework, not a requirement
there's like 5 windows live games at the most so why are you blaming this horrid state of affairs on microsoft
perhaps they believe the windows live stuff is a way to revive pc gaming?
If only we could all play together. I dont see why microsoft hasnt hooked us up that way yet with the 360 --> pc servers.

Developers have already explained why that would not work. Every FPS game wouldn't be fair for the console players because a keyboard and moused are far superior to the simplified controls that a console user has. That can also translate into pretty much every game that would be able to play back and forth.
I remember days when games were like art

they spoke, they reached out, you could feel them. Each game would have it's own unique feel.

These days games all feel like TV commercials. Red, orange and yellow pop-ups flashing in your face trying their hardest to get you to buy some piece of crap so you can immediately feel buyer's remorse.
Developers have already explained why that would not work. Every FPS game wouldn't be fair for the console players because a keyboard and moused are far superior to the simplified controls that a console user has. That can also translate into pretty much every game that would be able to play back and forth.

you can use mouse and keyboard on any console on the market right now

so that point is null
console players like their controllers. Asking them to use a KB/M would be like asking PC users to switch to controllers
you can use mouse and keyboard on any console on the market right now

so that point is null

Really? You mean I can just hook my USB keyboard and mouse up to a 360 without any additional hardware and be able to modify the controls and have hotkeys that will do functions for me much like macros are used in PC games? Really? No, no I cannot. The 360 was designed not to let people hook up their keyboards and mice so they will have an unfair advantage over other players.
still limited to the speed of an analog controller.

the point is that that excuse is the biggest cop out ever

there has never been an easier issue to resolve.. omg FPS players use a M/KB and will outgun consolers!

that isnt solvable!

having said that... it's pointless for anyone to support PC games since the hardware is too expensive and requires too much upkeep. The performance also sucks. Consoles just make more sense, which is what developers want because it gives them more control over the public. It turns comodity hardware into premium hardware just by slapping an "Xbox" logo on it.

Consoles make it easier for companies to profit and gamers prefer them because they require less money/upkeep.

PC games are dead for this reason, and also because windows blows so badly that the bugs and issues arent worth the effort anymore. Not even Microsoft devs can write working software on Windows Vista. No one else will.
Really? You mean I can just hook my USB keyboard and mouse up to a 360 without any additional hardware and be able to modify the controls and have hotkeys that will do functions for me much like macros are used in PC games? Really? No, no I cannot. The 360 was designed not to let people hook up their keyboards and mice so they will have an unfair advantage over other players.

you realise how easy it would be for Microsoft to remove the lock outs and therefore level the playing field?

you actually believe the bullshit marketing line they fed you about it being unfair, when they artificially created the unfairness with their restrictions on the hardware?
Dead? Perhaps it will die if MS continue to act the way they are, but I wouldn't call it dead when it makes as much money as it does.
Yes, I do know how easy it would be for them but not every console owner out there has a pc with a keyboard and mouse. Every console comes with a standard controller. People shouldn't have to go out and buy a keyboard and mouse just to be able to keep up with PC players.
Yes, I do know how easy it would be for them but not every console owner out there has a pc with a keyboard and mouse. Every console comes with a standard controller. People shouldn't have to go out and buy a keyboard and mouse just to be able to keep up with PC players.

fine yada yada whatever

that wasnt what we were talking about

you said the reason pc and console servers are separate is because microsoft didnt want unfairness, and if it werent for the unfairness they would be together

i was just pointing out that microsoft lied to you, if they did actually say that. since it would be ridiculously easy to integrate PC servers with console servers, AND to eliminate the unfairness (which was artificially created by the console devs in the first place).
So are you saying that a console controller can easily do everything that a mouse and keyboard can do just as easily as if it were a keyboard and mouse? I don't know too many people that want to sit down in the living room for a quick game and have to pick up a keyboard and mouse just to play. Oh and a lot of PC games have hacks for them such as couter-strike and it would take a lot of effort to keep them from happening.
Developers have already explained why that would not work. Every FPS game wouldn't be fair for the console players because a keyboard and moused are far superior to the simplified controls that a console user has. That can also translate into pretty much every game that would be able to play back and forth.

this is a cop-out. take me as an example. i use the ideazon fang and a mouse to play almost every game (strategy games can be done but it's just a pain to setup the profile for all those keys).

there is absolutely zero reason why a similar setup + microphone can't be done on a console. "console gamers won't buy extra controllers". i have heard that argument. and it holds true in one situation ... remember the original xbox had that mech game that required some crazy 300 dollar HOTAS controller thing? yeah that failed but buying a 40 dollars mouse + keypad device would sell like hot cakes as soon as the console guys started getting their asses handed to them.

as for consoles killing PC gaming ... no. Company of heroes is a good game, medieval total war 2, yes even WoW and eve and IL2 and i could list quite a few good games nay great games that just could never happen on a console. PC gaming is fine. If you can't find at least 5 good games that pique your interest on this list then i think the only thing killing PC games is your retarded quest for someone to turn the clock back 7 years so you can enjoy tribes 1 again at the height of it's kick assness.
I know about the ideazon products. I have merc. They are a pain. I do remember Steel Batallion and it was a flop but it was a flop for more reasons than just the controller. People still shouldn't have to go out and buy even more shit just to play a game on equal grounds with others.
I know about the ideazon products. I have merc. They are a pain. I do remember Steel Batallion and it was a flop but it was a flop for more reasons than just the controller. People still shouldn't have to go out and buy even more shit just to play a game on equal grounds with others.
pfft, PC gamers have had an unquenchable thirst for more performance for well ... since the first networked game. this includes things like faster mice, more precise mice, better keyboards and or different keyboard like devices, etc etc.

those gamers who chose not to keep up were usually just fodder. sure, i knew of plenty of guys in tribes that kicked my ass on inferior equipment (nutz|hondurass played w/o 3d acceleration for awhile) but that was few and far between.

whats 40-60 bucks for a better setup to a gamer? nothing.

p.s. the merc sucks balls but the fang is actually a pretty killer device. i have used many 'alternative' devices including the 'claw' and the n50 and n52 speed pads. the fang smokes them all by a long shot.

*edit* looks like they have a new merc keyboard with the fang layout built in. so i retract that, the new one is probably pretty good the old ones blew ass though.