[computers] why are macs so shitty?

I like how Kiint's post is a bunch of shit no one in the thread actually said. Who is he responding to?
:wave: h8ters (take an ice pack to the neck Blitzkrieg, you were here before me fucktard h8ter)

Apple - Magic Mouse - The world?s first Multi-Touch mouse.

Show me a PC equivelent on the market.

Wait for it ...
wait ...

Wahhh, no that mouse sucks, look at it, it looks so uncomfortable, your hand would cramp up, fag fag fag whine whine whine, it sucks because its Apple, apple don't inovate they steal, wahh wahh wahh.

Fucking dickhead h8ters.

Its still e-cool to h8 mac, and people still don't have a technically relevant reason to hate mac, its just "overpriced", "designed to look cool", "and those hippy mac users".

And now the deluge of faggotry from the h8ters ( :wave: blitzkrieg) crying that there is a mac fan in the thread so they feel the urgent desire to project their e-h8 on him.

...the fact that there is a lesser-priced PC equivalent that functions just as well or better for any piece of hardware for the mac isn't a valid complaint?

...the fact that there is a lesser-priced PC equivalent that functions just as well or better for any piece of hardware for the mac isn't a valid complaint?
Rly, don't bother. Klint has made numerous Mac vs PC posts where he denies all logic.

If you like PCs or bring up a logical reason you don't like Macs, you're a "h8ter" man.
I like how Kiint's post is a bunch of shit no one in the thread actually said. Who is he responding to?

You would think if someone wanted to defend Apple's products, they'd bring a list of facts and information supporting their viewpoint (since Apple claims their products are vastly superior to their PC counterparts, such a list must exist). Instead, Kiint brought a surge of unchecked emotion and a crude attempt at l33t speak. Weird!!
I brought some refreshments for the page 2 crowd

Ah, delicious, I feel my electrolytes returning! My HP doesn't match my shoes, I should have got a Mac
I think its funny that the biggest news this month in mac software is the release of parallels 5 so they can run windows 7.

Anyone that i know that has a mac uses a virtual windows install over top of max OS anyways.. wtf was the point to begin with?

on a side note.. i think the new mac commercials are extremely desperate.

they cant attack windows itself anymore now that vista is in the past and 7 is out, so their big campaign now is that apparently its too much of a hassle for XP users to move their data to 7, so they may as well move their data to mac OS. a very flawed theory.
thx Bongwater, I'm glad I'm not the only one that sees the irony in running Windows on a Mac

The last (and only) time I had to run Macintosh virtualization software on my PC was for Escape Velocity before EV:N came out for Windows
I like my Mac. It does what I want it to do. I wish I had a PC with Win7 on it. I use it at work and it is a fun OS.
Problem: Douchebags have to have something to blow their money on.

Enter Apple...
i have no issues with the actual macintosh products (pretending the prices aren't ludicrously high). i do, however, have an issue with the people who use macs. they are often mentally deficient