Climate change - Do you believe in it?

It doesn't matter if you believe it or not. Ppl are influencing the climate.
That article really bugs me. It jumps between points which don't all reinforce the "man made" part of climate change.

Professor John Christy, of the University of Alabama in Huntsville which runs the third set of data, said there were still many gaps in understanding climate change. His data show a slower pace of warming than the other two sets.

“You may see a certain fingerprint that indicates human influence, but that the actual intensity of the influence is minor (as our satellite data indicate),” he told Reuters.
Well let me clarify.

Do you believe the climate change "crisis" is man-made, and can be stopped or reversed?

I know the "crisis" in not man made and can not be stopped or reversed until we figure out how to increase sunspot activity.

All opinion to the contrary is based either in political agenda or flat out ignorance.
I know the "crisis" in not man made and can not be stopped or reversed until we figure out how to increase sunspot activity.

All opinion to the contrary is based either in political agenda or flat out ignorance.

how do you know?

again I refer to the guy who introduced leaded gas and cfc's

or how about the fact that we (and others) dumped radioactive waste into the ocean and shot it from ships to make sure it sunk.

You really don't think that we have any impact on our environment? I mean we all know you're dumb but are you really THAT dumb?

That said, I have not seen a sensible way to change things.
how do you know?

again I refer to the guy who introduced leaded gas and cfc's

or how about the fact that we (and others) dumped radioactive waste into the ocean and shot it from ships to make sure it sunk.

You really don't think that we have any impact on our environment? I mean we all know you're dumb but are you really THAT dumb?

That said, I have not seen a sensible way to change things.
How much impact is the question. It's a big planet. A complicated system. Are we contributing 0.5%? Or 50%? Sorry but that's kind of an important fucking question which scientists have not answered at all. How much do I wanna sacrifice to make a marginal difference?
How much impact is the question. It's a big planet. A complicated system. Are we contributing 0.5%? Or 50%? Sorry but that's kind of an important fucking question which scientists have not answered at all. How much do I wanna sacrifice to make a marginal difference?

I don't disagree, that was the point in my last sentence

I do think it is odd that people don't recognize the impact we've had on the at all. Lead doesn't leave the atmosphere and we've fucked it up bad; but as you said we don't know exactly what it has done. Has it increased the instance of cancer? I dunno. Many scientists think that we're actually in a current ice age, just not as severe as past ones. Then again there are also a ton of scientists who have studies to show how the climate has changed drastically in the past 30 years.

also whomever came up with the term "global warming" is an idiot.
Everyone recognizes the impact. They just like eating and having electricity more than vague doomsday predictions that never come true or weak correlated links to bad outcomes.
how do you know?

again I refer to the guy who introduced leaded gas and cfc's

or how about the fact that we (and others) dumped radioactive waste into the ocean and shot it from ships to make sure it sunk.

You really don't think that we have any impact on our environment? I mean we all know you're dumb but are you really THAT dumb?

That said, I have not seen a sensible way to change things.

I know because I, along with many others, chose to know. Learning is fun. The trick is to have the right teachers.

Of course we pesky humans do have an impact, and of course purposely polluting our planet is a suicidal thing to do. You are the dumb one who forgets I live in a literal forest, surrounded on 3 sides by 21% of the planets fresh water supply. Who, every summer, almost gets his ass kicked by litterbug flatlanders who try to use my forest as their trashcan. So the environment is clearly something I take seriously.

One sensible solution is for the world to penalize (really penalize) both China, and India as they are the worlds largest polluters hands down.

Look, the planet goes through cycles of severe climate change. Has gone through them before Humans were a thing, and will go through them long after our species has killed itself. One primary factor of that non-man made climate change cycle is white gtype star we call the Sun. Unless you can make the Sun get back to a "normal" sunspot production cycle I suggest harsh winter survival skills, hunting/fishing skills, and lots of layers.

I very much enjoyed our conversation. You seem to care, and I consider that to be potential.
One sensible solution is for the world to penalize (really penalize) both China, and India as they are the worlds largest polluters hands down.

I must still be concussed because we agree on this. They absolutely are. China is in their industrial revolution, while treating their citizens like shit, and fucking things up.

Also there are countries still producing tetraethyllead which is really fucked up.
I love how self righteous fucks poison topics like climate change or vaccination so much that no further reasonable discourse is ever possible. The worst part is that these people claim to be on the side of science, which requires skepticism and open mindedness to truly be effective.
I love how self righteous fucks poison topics like climate change or vaccination so much that no further reasonable discourse is ever possible. The worst part is that these people claim to be on the side of science, which requires skepticism and open mindedness to truly be effective.

I agree with all of that. Science is based on skepticism and open to being wrong.
with the overwhelming levels of scientific consensus on the topic, denying or even challenging the human species' contribution to climate change is equivalent to people thinking the earth is flat, vaccines cause autism, or evolution is fake

being a climate change denier just means you're going to be on the wrong side of the history books written by the next generations
with the overwhelming levels of scientific consensus on the topic, denying or even challenging the human species' contribution to climate change is equivalent to people thinking the earth is flat, vaccines cause autism, or evolution is fake

being a climate change denier just means you're going to be on the wrong side of the history books written by the next generations
Could you post your top 3 overwhelming scientific studies to back man made climate change? This isn't an area of interest for me but it comes up in conversation time and again, and I'd like to be confident.