
Best in genre right now definitely.

i think I am growing out of this (60 hours in ) but never was fan of this genre to begin with :D
Best in genre right now definitely.

i think I am growing out of this (60 hours in ) but never was fan of this genre to begin with :D

Thx, I'm just asking because I'm in the habbit of buying games and then not playing them at all...
In the middle of a bit of a redesign at the moment, gotta get rid of some shitty industrial areas.

77k people and its full of high rises? that seems wierd to me

does the game show you if you have people working in the city from outside areas or anything like that?
Yeah I dunno. All my good shit like universities and science centres are there, I build medium density and it fills immediately. I have to say on normal mode this game is extremely easy.
you might have build the one way streets on wrong direction. (there's red dot above the not interconnected part).
My biggest complaint so far is that you have to lay down a road first before you can place buildings. I can't place a train station on a rail then put a road next to it. Oh well, seems like something that can be fixed/modded.