Car accident: Need legal opinion

some how i find this thread completely pathetic

why didn't you just talk about any insurance company

are you trying to glorify the fact your husband is a mercedes car salesman or something
some how i find this thread completely pathetic

why didn't you just talk about any insurance company

are you trying to glorify the fact your husband is a mercedes car salesman or something

It's already been reported to the company insurance. 1 person there said we needed to contact our own, while another said we did not. Hence the confusion. The lawyer we consulted with said we needed to contact our own insurance, but this was before he knew that it is part of my husband's job to train in the vehicle. Hence needing clarification before moving forward.

And I keep referring to mercedes insurance to differentiate between our personal and the company insurance, since it makes a huge difference when we look into lawsuit possibilities.
Sounds like a load of medical bs to me.

Sue happy USA

At first we had no intention of suing her. But seeing as how we are both hurting still, and my husband not only had to take more time to recover from previous surgery, but now may have to have another surgery, and lose pay while out on short term disability...well, it's an issue.

At this point we are not suing for my injuries, unless they are determined to be permanent (as of right now they are not). But we are considering it since his injuries are permanent.
I agree with fraggle, report to everyone and let them sort it out. I know here in Wash. my daughter got into an accident, not her fault.. Her insurance wouldnt cover their medical they had to get it from the guy that hit him. They are still fighting it and it happened in Jan..
That car was not going 40 mph. Maybe 25 mph. Hope everything works out ok.

She admitted going 40mph. It was a pretty hard hit, hard enough the roll bars popped on our car. They wouldn't have popped if it was 25mph since there is not that much of a chance of a roll at 25mph.
She admitted going 40mph. It was a pretty hard hit, hard enough the roll bars popped on our car. They wouldn't have popped if it was 25mph since there is not that much of a chance of a roll at 25mph.

Those "roll bars" that you are talking about in the bumper have gone in a 10 mph crash that I was at where there was no visible damage to either car. I know what a 40 mph impact looks like, and your picture doesn't look like one. Needless to say, I am not taking away from your point that you got hit. It sucks that NJ has the no fault accident clause but it is what it is. Good luck with your dilemma, it sucks dealing with insurance companies. Here is was a 40 MPH crash looks like if you were stopped (Like you said you were)

And here is one at full speed

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if mercedes insurance will deal with it, that's the best scenario because your personal insurance will not necessarily raise your rates since you aren't forcing them to pay anything. the next best option is to have your insurance company deal with it because they will front the money for your medical expenses (usually), and then use their own lawyers to figure out what they can recover from the other driver's insurance company. In the scenario when the other driver is completely at fault, many insurance companies representing your interests will also attempt to recover the deductible you had to pay. I got smashed last year, and we had to pay a $500 deductible. It was totally the other guy's fault, so my insurance company paid for our repairs, and has been going after the other guy's insurance for reimbursement. If successful, they will return our deductible.

edit: however, your insurance company lawyers will limit their exploration to recovery of damages they had to pay for bills. If you are looking to get a payday civil judgement, your insurance company will not be able to help you with that - you'll have to retain a litigator that handles car accidents (the billboard ambulance chasers), and sue for pain and suffering, mental anguish, all that crap.
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looks like a 20 mph crash to me

she might have been going 40 when she saw the collision immenent, but after braking she was going a lot slower, prolly 15-20

edit: also when you do your tax return you log your personal hours in the company car, so taking a company car out for personal use is ok