Buying speakers out of vans.

I worked for those people for a short time a few years back. DO NOT BUY THEM they pay $50 for a pair and by them by a truckload. they are cheap junk the 99% of the time will not work or work very poorly.

no matter what they tell you it's a lie.
Ok, from what i learned from this thread:

Speakers don't tend to work, which is why people are smart enough not to buy them (usually).

However, for those for whom the speakers do work, they tend to work fabulously.

exactly. Mine are fucking amazing... i have them setup in my basement (my chill room) they fucking take the house down they are so loud.. and 400 each (retail 1000 each)? i mean.. come on. amazing.
you can see mine in the picture here.

Using them as the front speakers for my TV setup. Not running a center speaker right now so everything comes out of them as far as center channel, left/right channels and all bass (which I have to turn down on my amp our it bothers the neighbors). I must say they do a great job. I tried once to look up the make/model online and couldn't find anything about them.
well when he said he would sell them to me for 100$ after he spent 4, I think he already ctrl-k'd cause hes dutch.
lol this happened to me earlier in the year. guy and a girl driving about on campus in a white van wanted 'cash machine' money for a set of speakers. i told em to go the union car park where they'd be certain to find someone dumb enough. also, the cash machines were right there as well.