Brown is a Yankee

Pettite isn't that great of a pitcher. He had an ERA over 4 and has only had like 2 really good seasons. If healthy Brown is way better, and he'll actually get run support. Vazquez should be killer, he's durable and strong. If Yankees get Brown I like their rotation over Boston's. Even though both teams are little bitchwhores with neverending pocket books.

The concept of developing talent seems to have escaped both teams completely. Yankees and Red Sox have traded their best pitching prospects, Yankees traded Nick Johnson who if healthy is a .300-30-100 hitter and costs under $1 mill.

If the past two World Series have proved anything its that team chemistry is everything, and neither team have that. They have too many egos running around. No player on the Yankees seems like they're happy because old George basically will get pissed if you don't produce top of the line results and win a WS. He bitched out Jeter after 2002 cause he hit .297, ONO!

Now the Red Sox are basically becoming the Yankees, because its no longer about playing, its about winning and doing whatever to win. They don't think or manage, they just go, hey, theres a high priced guy, lets get him. ONO, they got that high priced guy, so lets get one of our own. I hope neither of them win a WS for as long as I am alive because neither of them deserve it.
Krakbaby said:
contreras is also a big question

w/ the mentality that the yankees have about winning the ws every year, i dont know why they are relying on question marks

They picked up Vasquez already, Schilling is off the market and Colon signed already.

There aren't any sure-fire elite pitchers left.

BTW, did the Giants sign Ponson? Why hasn't his name been mentioned more this off-season?
MADness said:
Great #2 starter wanting big money who looks very very likely to resign in Philly.

He's a #1 starter on a lot of teams, including the Phillies.
i don't know why so many people have this idea that wells is a dominant pitcher. he's good when he's on, but he's inconsistent.
Chavey said:
Pettite isn't that great of a pitcher. He had an ERA over 4 and has only had like 2 really good seasons. If healthy Brown is way better, and he'll actually get run support. Vazquez should be killer, he's durable and strong. If Yankees get Brown I like their rotation over Boston's. Even though both teams are little bitchwhores with neverending pocket books.

The concept of developing talent seems to have escaped both teams completely. Yankees and Red Sox have traded their best pitching prospects, Yankees traded Nick Johnson who if healthy is a .300-30-100 hitter and costs under $1 mill.

If the past two World Series have proved anything its that team chemistry is everything, and neither team have that. They have too many egos running around. No player on the Yankees seems like they're happy because old George basically will get pissed if you don't produce top of the line results and win a WS. He bitched out Jeter after 2002 cause he hit .297, ONO!

Now the Red Sox are basically becoming the Yankees, because its no longer about playing, its about winning and doing whatever to win. They don't think or manage, they just go, hey, theres a high priced guy, lets get him. ONO, they got that high priced guy, so lets get one of our own. I hope neither of them win a WS for as long as I am alive because neither of them deserve it.

as usual, when you're not rehashing the opinions of your local media about the A's, you sound like an idiot
I don't see anything particularly stupid about what Chavey posted. If YOU deny that the Red Sox have used Yankee tactics to win a World Series, then you're the idiot.
the only thing i see that chavey posted that is particularly flawed is Nick Johnson for under a mil. maybe he is now, i don't know, but i can guarantee that if he continues to improve he's not going to stay a bargain like that.
Chavey said:
The concept of developing talent seems to have escaped both teams completely. Yankees and Red Sox have traded their best pitching prospects, Yankees traded Nick Johnson who if healthy is a .300-30-100 hitter and costs under $1 mill.

Now the Red Sox are basically becoming the Yankees, because its no longer about playing, its about winning and doing whatever to win. They don't think or manage, they just go, hey, theres a high priced guy, lets get him. ONO, they got that high priced guy, so lets get one of our own. I hope neither of them win a WS for as long as I am alive because neither of them deserve it.

both these paragraphs are sheer lunacy.

The Red Sox have not traded their top pitching prospect, first of all. De La Rosa has been in the system for a while, and was probably 4 or 5 on their prospects list. The Johnson numbers are flawed, even if that is his current contract, obviously it will be more when it is up.

As far as Boston becoming the Yankees, that is also a crock of shit. They're willing to spend, but Theo has made it blatantly obvious that he's operating like Beane on a larger budget. They're not just pursuing anyone, they're pursuing people for statistical reasons. They're not trying to match the yankees, the yankees are trying to match them. He is right about winning, but thats kind of a no shit argument, the team better fucking try to win.
Its a question of economics when deciding to develop your team via free-agency or via a farm system. There's nothing wrong with either approach.

The Yankess and Red Sox generate enough revenue, that they don't need to focus on developing their own talent, and they can try and bring in players that have already established themselves as legitimate baseball players. This is high profile isnt gauranteed to work (see: New York Mets, Texas Rangers).

Teams like the Twins and Athletics don't have the revenue to do that, they focus in on developing their own talent and constantly fielding young talent and hoping. Typically, depending on the depth of actual talent in the farm system, these teams are usually bottom dwellers until the players get experience. But then the teams are forced to make decisions about retaining their talent as their contracts end (see: Miguel Tejada)

Criticizing the Yankees or the Redsox for trying to go out and buy a World Series is ridiculous. Just like it'd be ridiculous to criticize the Twins or the A's for not paying to retain their talented players. All any team is doing is making the most out of something they think they have a competitive advantage in. Much like the A's could be considered to having a competitive advantage in scouting and developing talent.
i hate the yankees for going over 200 million, which is just ridiculously excessive, but you have to recognize that under our current system, it is their perogative
T w i z t i D said:
i hate the yankees for going over 200 million, which is just ridiculously excessive, but you have to recognize that under our current system, it is their perogative

How far behind are the Red Sox? If they pull the trigger on the A-Rod trade; they were going to assume all of A-Rod's salary and pay a chunk of Manny's.
First of all, I'd like to thank Kevin Brown (and Dreifort, Ashby) for sitting on the bench and giving the Pennant to SF the past 2 years.

Have fun with him, he's got great stuff when he pitches, if he pitches. Personally I think its a bad, bad move for the Yanks.

Contreras = great stuff, inconsistent
Mussina = Staff Ace
Vazquez = Cy Young canidate on this team
Weaver = crap, crap
Wells = High ERA last few years, aging
Brown = Great stuff, huge risk with injuries

...and this isn't going into thier bp problems. In thier defense NY does a good job of keeping pitchers healthy and sharp, some pitching coaches have ruined pitchers ability and careers. That's why signing a pitcher is 10x riskier than acquiring a hitter.
Neckhole said:
How far behind are the Red Sox? If they pull the trigger on the A-Rod trade; they were going to assume all of A-Rod's salary and pay a chunk of Manny's.

with arod, schilling, and whomever they sign to play left, minus manny and nomar, they'll still be under 150 million, which is an entire milwaukee, kansas city, etc... team.