Bridude has passed away

Played many games over the years and spent lots of time online with Bridude. It was always a good time logging on to discord and having him ready to play whatever the group of us was playing at the time. He was funny and a good guy. Never heard him being toxic to people but could take the piss with the best of them.

One of my friends I introduced to the group coined a term on the discord channel yesterday...the "Bri Sigh". You'd be playing and propose something stupid, or even be in the act of doing something stupid and then you'd hear over mic an audible sigh that only meant "What the fuck?!" it would be punctuated with a pause before he spoke. But he was never mad, it was always exasperation. After a while everyone would laugh when they could elicit a Bri Sigh.

I was lucky enough to have met him a few times in the last year even though I've lived in NoVa for my whole life. In person he was just what you expected. A good down to earth guy. He'd talk about working on mustangs, over the last few years he had taken up woodworking and would make custom wood pens. Now I wish I would have got one from him. He was always up for hanging out and he seemed to enjoy his online group. He'd talk about his wife and daughters. I think he'd been with his wife since they were in high school, or close to it. I feel horrible for his family and this random act that happened. I'm gonna miss hearing that fuckers voice on the other end of a mic but more than that I miss having that friendship.

It sucks, and I'm bummed.
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slush anudda whyte trash pussyass disgr8c 2 him own race frenz n famly fuccboi dat b tryna rel8 2 udda whyte trash fukn l0s3rz smdh lol :jester:
Ugh... sad he was a good guy.

If there are any links to support his family, please share it.

It is good to see old friends on here. I keep forgetting how long we have know most of you. Bri actually introduced me to Tribes and helped me build my first gaming rig using a couple of SLI voodoos that I still have. I was able to pay him back for that with a new rig I built for him for his birthday last year so he could keep gaming with everyone.

Please don't ban anyone for being idiots it is honestly not a big deal. Anyone that knew Bri knows he loved reading all the moronic stuff on this site and could talk shit with the best of them.

I hope to have something to share sometime tomorrow. If someone needs to contact me you can do the PM thing on TW or jump on that NOVA discord (I don't have that handy but someone posted it I think).
damn, sorry to hear this....he was a good dude - always liked gaming with him (battlefield bc2, rust, etc) and at NOVALAN + UVALAN. RIP.
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Learned from the discord but wanted to write something. Bri was my friend for over twenty years and although we weren't in constant communication we talked pretty regularly that whole time. I'm going to miss him.