Breakthrough Invention Can Help Save World's Auto Makers!!!


Oh wait, TDIs normally get over 60 mpg anyways.....

Yeah, I'm trying to figure out how you can make a diesel motor run on hydrogen.
Don't diesel motors rely on the compression to cause the ignition?
So then we can jack up water prices when our aquifers run dry or the water becomes to salinated?

What makes you think we can't have a shortage of water due to a drought or especially in the midwest where we draw most of our water from a giant aquifer that doesn't really replenish itself very fast.
Yeah, I'm trying to figure out how you can make a diesel motor run on hydrogen.
Don't diesel motors rely on the compression to cause the ignition?

You can run some diesels off just about anything with the right hoses.

The deuce and a halfs run on jet fuel, diesel fuel, heating oil, you could probably put some number 4 in there once its been running and warm.
with older diesels if it blows up when compressed 26:1 you can use it.

I have an old Bens im running off waste oil atm.
Mostly because the world auto industry is a dinosaur at the very end of its evolutionary cycle. Even if this is somehow Totally Awesome and Real! it will be stifled, crushed, and ignored by a lumbering beast too stupid and too stubborn to help itself out of a crisis of bloat, lack of creativity, and zero ambition.

You can blame the auto industry for a lot of things, but being behind technologically is not one of them. Most of the really cool ideas in the past have had very big flaws with operation and really weren't conceivable. About the only thing you might argue is how US automakers don't make enough diesel cars. It's true much of that was from negative pr of diesel cars but the increased soot production is making switching to standard diesel engines somewhat questionable. Plus it was also an issue of what Americans would buy.

So to prove you aren't full of shit, please tell me some past tech that the auto company stifled, crushed or ignored?
Are you kidding?

They've been doing it with electric cars for decades.

You're extremely ignorant of electric cars. The fact that you say decades makes it even worse. Simply put, electric cars were not economical, did not eliminate emissions, had shitty performance specs and have a ridiculous amount of problems that really made them not worth pursuing. The only reason we're seeing them come into being now is because many of those problems are nearing potential solutions. The electric car still isn't anywhere close to being profitable and is a huge investment that isn't going to see any [near] future profits. If it wasn't for government incentives mass production electric cars would still be a joke.
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The first thing to leap out at me...

Most automotive internal combustion engines are designed for temperatures in the hundreds of degrees. Not thousands of degrees.

This device would melt an engine into slag. :lol:


Fail more physics please.

You're extremely ignorant of electric cars. The fact that you say decades makes it even worse. Simply put, electric cars were not economical, did not eliminate emissions, had shitty performance specs and have a ridiculous amount of problems that really made them not worth pursuing. The only reason we're seeing them come into being now is because many of those problems are nearing potential solutions. The electric car still isn't anywhere close to being profitable and is a huge investment that isn't going to see any [near] future profits. If it wasn't for government incentives mass production electric cars would still be a joke.
What? You are the ignorant one. Electric cars are plenty economical, are not polluting if they charge on off-peak energy, do not have problems with performance, and are as close to maintenance free as one can get. Its only problem is range, but considering that with a good battery pack you can get 200 miles out of them, that isn't really a problem most of the time. GTFO with your stupid please.

Fail more physics please.

What? You are the ignorant one. Electric cars are plenty economical, are not polluting if they charge on off-peak energy, do not have problems with performance, and are as close to maintenance free as one can get. Its only problem is range, but considering that with a good battery pack you can get 200 miles out of them, that isn't really a problem most of the time. GTFO with your stupid please.

Holy shit. To bad you never responded in the last thread on oil sands.

No, I think you are the ignorant one:

Battery packs are extremely expensive. Li Ion batteries haven't achieved appropriate economy of scales. Nickel is a commodity and increased demand could cause prices to sky rocket.

I have no idea with what you think off-peak energy is but it isn't free. Certainly you've been reading up on some electric carstuff because off peak power is a critical issue but that's a capacity problem and not a matter of wasted electricity.

I hope with 200 miles you meant 20 since that's much more realistic with what current battery packs would get. 40 miles is the target goal of the volt. It could get 80 but they want the battery to last for 10 years and if you actually use the full battery and have poor energy management of it it'll crap out in about 1-2 years. Also what type of battery is this "good" battery you're referring to?

As far as maintenance free goes, I'm not entirely sure where you're getting that from because there are some potential maintenance issues with electric cars that really haven't been answered yet dealing with getting the full 10 year life out of the battery pack.
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interesting. thanks bew.

It's actually quite a fascinating field of study. It's only recently that researchers have been able to increase the bond angle of water and there are a lot of promising results, both in energy systems and medical fields

A guy by the name of John Ellis actually made a home unit that actually increases the bond angle to 114°. As a result of the higher energy state, it eliminates pathogens on contact. It's pretty amazing stuff.

John Ellis
You can blame the auto industry for a lot of things, but being behind technologically is not one of them. Most of the really cool ideas in the past have had very big flaws with operation and really weren't conceivable. About the only thing you might argue is how US automakers don't make enough diesel cars. It's true much of that was from negative pr of diesel cars but the increased soot production is making switching to standard diesel engines somewhat questionable. Plus it was also an issue of what Americans would buy.

So to prove you aren't full of shit, please tell me some past tech that the auto company stifled, crushed or ignored?

E100 cars...
E100 cars...

E100 cars don't work [rather i should say: aren't feasible]. The idea in designing an E100 engine is to benefit from the increased knocking resistance of ethanol. You could up the compression ratio to have a higher efficiency engine. However there is something with ethanol that prevents that from being done. It may just be that it would only be able to run off ethanol and not gasoline. As of now corn ethanol is a pretty bad market and I don't think anyone would want to tool an engine for E100 with the current risks. However if cellulosic ethanol takes off then maybe something more will come of it.

You can argue what you want about sugarcane ethanol or w/e else exists in the world but really you make ethanol from what you can grow and we can't grow sugarcane in the US in any significant quantity.

As I said, most of the cool ideas in the past had pretty significant downsides. It is true that most of the "new" concepts for improving cars are old, but generally it's because many of the technical difficulties have been overcome. Take GDI engines, claimed it increase efficiences by 15-20% but only have no become feasible when reasonabley priced, precise, high pressure injectors are being developed. HCCI engines are also old tech but may be combined in some hybrid design or fuel cell to overcome operating range limitations.
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You're extremely ignorant of electric cars. The fact that you say decades makes it even worse. Simply put, electric cars were not economical, did not eliminate emissions, had shitty performance specs and have a ridiculous amount of problems that really made them not worth pursuing. The only reason we're seeing them come into being now is because many of those problems are nearing potential solutions. The electric car still isn't anywhere close to being profitable and is a huge investment that isn't going to see any [near] future profits. If it wasn't for government incentives mass production electric cars would still be a joke.

You are absolutely full of shit.

This entire post is a lie, and it can be easily disproven by any Google search for electric cars.

You are the dumbest motherfucker I have ever seen.