[BREAKING] Texas Voter ID Law

It's just math.

You're removing (x) # of real voters from casting their ballots so (y) # of (fake) voters don't cheat.

If x > y, then this law is fucking stupid.

If x > y, and x is generally minorities and vote democrat, this law is fucking evil and is simply a different form of cheating.
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i once was going to bar hopping with some friends, one of which didn't have a drivers license but did have her passport. one of the bars wouldn't let her in because they said she needed a drivers license.

poor aren't poor because the system sucks, they're poor because they're lazy and didn't get a college degree or are just plain dumb

HONG KONG — The Beijing-appointed leader of Hong Kong, Leung Chun-ying, said Monday evening that it was unacceptable to allow his successors to be chosen in open elections, in part because doing so would risk giving poorer residents a dominant voice in politics.

The system sucks too.
most systems suck

so maybe it is time that more people realised that their system sucks, even if it works for them at this particular moment in time
It is the ideology of these systems that is used to coerce and manipulate into giving power to those who would oppress. Corruptionism is the only one that always prevails.

well yes

technically ideology can only ever be considered to be that which aims to maintain the dominance of those in positions of power along with the structure within which they are at the apex

but let's not degenerate into barthes just yet :roller:
Some will bemoan, ‘Oh, Eric cashed in, and this is all about him chasing money,’” said Mike Ference, Cantor’s former senior policy adviser and now a partner at Washington-based lobbying firm S-3 Group. “Smarter people get that’s not actually true. There have to be respectable men and women who run, quite frankly, the system.

See we need them to make sure the system works.

You've articulated (mostly) my complaints with Obama, as he did make a lot of campaign promises that I liked that he's not made good on. What you're leaving out though is Romney, and especially McCain said from the outset they had no intention of closing Guantanamo Bay, the black prisons in Eastern Europe or affording prisoners Habeas corpus OR treating them as prisoners of war. We haven't done either (which conservatives should actually be delighted with, but they aren't). Romney and McCain wanted those prisoners kept just as they are: no Habeas, no POW status, no nothing. Just infinite detention and torture, which is exactly what they're getting. Conservatives should be tap-dancing about this, but instead they're complaining that Obama didn't make good on his promise. *shakes head*

believe it or not but not every conservative wants the same thing

half are hellbent that obama doesn't have troops on the ground yet in Iraq/Syria...the other is pissed we even went back to that debacle.

what you are saying is that you think Obama is good, because your other choices were so bad. even though you can openly acknowledge that Obama lied, or changed his mind, about what he wanted to do and said he going to do as President in '08.

Even though he bitched about the PA, but ultimately advanced it, resigned it, and added NDAA to the list. Even though more whistle blowers have been persecuted and thrown under the bus than any other administration I can think of in history.

I don't get it...I really don't.

But I'm not the one who has to sleep at night knowing I voted for this idiot (twice now).
apparently so

anybody but bush...anyone but bush


except when it comes to that obama guy who acts like bush and has expanded every dumb idea/policy that guy has ever implemented. he will get two terms. ten more if possible.

now it is bbb..b.b.b.b.b.b.b.b.b.but bush
You've articulated (mostly) my complaints with Obama, as he did make a lot of campaign promises that I liked that he's not made good on. What you're leaving out though is Romney, and especially McCain said from the outset they had no intention of closing Guantanamo Bay, the black prisons in Eastern Europe or affording prisoners Habeas corpus OR treating them as prisoners of war. We haven't done either (which conservatives should actually be delighted with, but they aren't). Romney and McCain wanted those prisoners kept just as they are: no Habeas, no POW status, no nothing. Just infinite detention and torture, which is exactly what they're getting. Conservatives should be tap-dancing about this, but instead they're complaining that Obama didn't make good on his promise. *shakes head*

The reason I'm having buyers remorse with Obama is that he's continuing the status quo with all of this.. and instead of being happy that we're torturing people with no trial, the conservative base is pointing out that Obama didn't make good. Consider for a moment, if he had. Prisoners are afforded POW status and the USA starts abiding by Geneva convention (we haven't), OR we give them Habeas. . can you imagine what an uproar you dorks would be in if he had done either one of those things? Had Obama actually made good on his promise, all of you would be going crazy, and you know it. At this point, he's just continued the Bush policy, and you're unhappy about that, too.

I'm happy he maintained the status quo.

you ever heard of a poll tax.. one penny is unconstitutional

No shit Sherlock. However that ID, that costs next to nothing, can be used most all the time for all types of things that has absolutely nothing to do with voting. Like buying a beer. Buying a pack of smokes. Getting in the club. Using a credit card. Opening a bank account. The list goes on and on dumbass. You and the other idiots should try and use that brain you have at some point in your meaningless life.

Seriously having to show ID makes total sense. It will prove the voter can vote and prove the voter does in fact live where the voting is taking place. Fucking duh.

EDIT: :picard2:
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