[BItchDubai] British tourist arrested after being gang raped in Dubai

I love it when those over the top Femnazi groups (I forget the exact name) run around topless screaming patriarchy at easy White people targets but do nothing for this.

The burden of proof required for rape under the UAE’s interpretation of sharia law – a confession from the rapist or witness statements from four adult men – means that cases that reach court are heavily skewed in the defendant’s favour and are frequently dismissed or turned around to prosecute the alleged victim.
What sort of shitty laws do these inbred goat fuckers come up with? the rape-e is guilty of ultra marital sex so fuck them and not their rapers.
Is this commenter a TWer?

Well, it's a car-infested, soulless, unutterably dull hell-hole where "culture" is parachuted in to flatter the vanity of the atavistic, nepotistic ruling despots.

Yeah, still a great place though.
In all fairness BitchDubai IS a white male, so he is probably exempt from most of those laws. So he doesn't need to care about people who get curbstomped by the law.
Oh hi. The British press is well known for it's accurate reporting of stuff in Dubai. For some reason they fucking hate the place, probably because the sun shines.

Anyway, that aside, Americant's getting excited about this shit when you have hundreds of people on death row who will now probably die much quicker (Thanks, Trump) when many of them are clearly innocent, is fucking hilarious. For "hilarious" read "frightening".

Ah but hang on, turns out when you really dig into the details of these people who have been afforded terrible justice, they're mostly black fellas. And the woman screaming rape is white. No further questions, Donald Sir.

Here's just one, bet I can find more of these than anyone can find drunk tourist crying rape stories. Not that that makes any of this shit right.

Is California preparing to execute an innocent man? Inmate who 'murdered a mother, father and two children, 10,' is set to face lethal injection - even though five judges say he didn't do it | Daily Mail Online
I fly through Mitch's country regularly, it's so fucked its not funny. You'd have to be a massive fuckup to choose to live there if you're not a Muslim. Not even trolling Mitch here, it's just a fact.