Bin Laden is back?


- the video has a lot of editing and may have used a background from earlier videos

- the video has a lot of editing and isnt all live footage of osama bin laden (sometimes just audio)

- the beard is weird

- even tho pretty much all the world experts have agreed this is his voice and the video segments are him, jomo still insists this is a fake and nothing will change that

- jomo didnt actually read this carefully, himself, but felt the need to share it first

Did you watch the video? Especially where it cuts out for like 20 mins? No movement or anything and that's where there is audio inserted about current events? Then back to the same old crap?

The video is fake, as in spliced together and not from one sitting.
Did you watch the video? Especially where it cuts out for like 20 mins? No movement or anything and that's where there is audio inserted about current events? Then back to the same old crap?

The video is fake, as in spliced together and not from one sitting.

You're a moron and the world's experts mock you. :D

Yes, i saw the video. Yes, i grasp there is splicing. ZOMG! FILM EDITING!

Yes, i realize most of it isnt actually live footage of him.

Yes, i realize he's wearing the same basic clothing that folks like him fuckin wearing as a status symbol.

You're entire argument is based on some guy talking about shit that ISNT his field of expertise. He admits he doesnt know arabic, doesnt know bin laden's voice and doesnt know anything about audio stuff. Yet he insists Bin Laden is dead without any evidence of that, and you cite him as your source for proof. :nuts:

Until expects start saying that's NOT his voice, i think i'll have to trust them.

This video is obviously not the same Osama from 2004. He is very different and it isnt just the beard. He looks sickly, tired and generally ill to me. He looks older, too.




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You're a moron and the world's experts mock you.

Yes, i saw the video. Yes, i grasp there is splicing. ZOMG! FILM EDITING!

Yes, i realize most of it isnt actually live footage of him.

Yes, i realize he's wearing the same basic clothing that folks like him fuckin wearing as a status symbol.

You're entire argument is based on some guy talking about shit that ISNT his field of expertise. He admits he doesnt know arabic, doesnt know bin laden's voice and doesnt know anything about audio stuff. Yet he insists Bin Laden is dead without any evidence of that, and you cite him as your source for proof. :nuts:

Until expects start saying that's NOT his voice, i think i'll have to trust them.

This video is obviously not the same Osama from 2004. He is very different and it isnt just the beard. He looks sickly, tired and generally ill to me. He looks older, too.

I actually agree that he does appear on video, the video could have been shot between 2004 and August 2007, though. The fact that the audio was spliced in, says that something is up and the tape isn't 100% genuinely Osama. Also, his speech was not 'classic' Osama. The parts where he was moving was. Something is not quite right.
You could say the same about truthers, but that doesn't stop you from pondering if they blew up WTC7 with bombs.

Pondering the chance and insisting arent the same, are they? And in a case like that, i've argued it makes no real difference since im not arguing some conspiracy framework. Your point?
I actually agree that he does appear on video, the video could have been shot between 2004 and August 2007, though. The fact that the audio was spliced in, says that something is up and the tape isn't 100% genuinely Osama. Also, his speech was not 'classic' Osama. The parts where he was moving was. Something is not quite right.

Something is up because they used film editing! MUST BE FAKE.

You're being silly and jumping to conclusions cuz of your attachment to this notion he's dead. MAYBE HE IS, but the evidence surely doesnt indicate it and the experts don't agree. They say it's his voice talking about recent events.

Yes, it's not a long video of him sitting there just talking. It's propaganda.

I personally see it as a Castro-like piece, and i suspect they minimized footage of him because HE LOOKS SICK and the entire point was to make him look alive and well.

Going back to the 1990s interviews with Osama, he seemed to literally think that he cant die or something... that god will provide, as he put it. I would be willing to bet that in the months after Tora Bora, he was very ill... and that his survival became a huge symbol for al qaeda during those years of scrambling. I think they've placed a great deal on his surviving as a matter of indicating god's support. They NEED to show him alive and it's amazing it's taken this long. They truly think god is on their side.

I think USA has heard about his health problems for years and I think him only being shown for a minute or two is due to him being more visibly ill than al qaeda want to convey.
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Pondering the chance and insisting arent the same, are they? And in a case like that, i've argued it makes no real difference since im not arguing some conspiracy framework. Your point?

Regardless of arguing within a "conspiracy framework" or not, you've been proven wrong by countless experts.

Course that never stopped you from being a hypocrite.. and oh, btw, its much more likely a video that conveniently freezes whenever osama references current events is fake.. compared to the likelihood of your theory being true.
Something is up because they used film editing! MUST BE FAKE.

You're being silly and jumping to conclusions cuz of your attachment to this notion he's dead. MAYBE HE IS, but the evidence surely doesnt indicate it and the experts don't agree. They say it's his voice talking about recent events.

Yes, it's not a long video of him sitting there just talking. It's propaganda.

I personally see it as a Castro-like piece, and i suspect they minimized footage of him because HE LOOKS SICK and the entire point was to make him look alive and well.

Going back to the 1990s interviews with Osama, he seemed to literally think that he cant die or something... that god will provide, as he put it. I would be willing to bet that in the months after Tora Bora, he was very ill... and that his survival became a huge symbol for al qaeda during those years of scrambling. I think they've placed a great deal on his surviving as a matter of indicating god's support. They NEED to show him alive and it's amazing it's taken this long. They truly think god is on their side.

I think USA has heard about his health problems for years and I think him only being shown for a minute or two is due to him being more visibly ill than al qaeda want to convey.

It is not a genuine video if it does not show him talking through the entire video without the video freezing. Anything said during the 'freeze time' is suspect. The fact that it freezes when current events are spoken about only proves that something isn't quite right. I believe in his other videos there were no 'freezes'. As you stated, it may be because they don't want him to appear sickly, but you have to admit that the whole tirade he went on, did not sound like 'vintage' Bin Laden.
oh and those experts, tsetse? they agree with jomo.

On the Friday before the sixth anniversary of 9/11, Osama bin Laden appeared in a new video, his first since prior to the U.S. presidential elections in 2004. In analyzing the video, Neal Krawetz of Hactor Factor, an expert on digital image forensics, said in his latest blogs that the video contained many visual and audio splices, and that all of the modifications were of very low quality.

Most striking is bin Laden's beard, which has been gray in recent images. For this video it is black. "As far as my tools can detect, there has been no image manipulation of the bin Laden portion of the image beyond contrast adjustment. His beard really does appear to be that color." The Washington Post has the full video here.

Krawetz says the inner frame of bin Laden was resaved at least twice, and not at the same time. The images show fine horizontal stripes on bin Laden and a background indicating these came from interlaced video sources. In contrast, the text elements, such as the As-Sahab logo, appear to be from non-interlaced sources.

The September 7 video shows bin Laden dressed in a white hat, white shirt and yellow sweater. Krawetz notes "this is the same clothing he wore in the 2004-10-29 video. In 2004 he had it unzipped, but in 2007 he zipped up the bottom half. Besides the clothing, it appears to be the same background, same lighting, and same desk. Even the camera angle is almost identical." Krawetz also notes that "if you overlay the 2007 video with the 2004 video, his face has not changed in three years--only his beard is darker and the contrast on the picture has been adjusted."

More important though are the edits. At roughly a minute and a half into the video there is a splice; bin Laden shifts from looking at the camera to looking down in less than 1/25th of a second. At 13:13 there is a second, less obvious splice. In all, Krawetz says there are at least six splices in the video. Of these, there are only two live bin Laden segments, the rest of the video composed of still images. The first live section opens the video and ends at 1:56. The second section begins at 12:29 and continues until 14:01. The two live sections appear to be from different recordings "because the desk is closer to the camera in the second section."

Then there are the audio edits. Krawetz says "the new audio has no accompanying 'live' video and consists of multiple audio recordings." References to current events are made only during the still frame sections and after splices within the audio track." And there are so many splices that I cannot help but wonder if someone spliced words and phrases together. I also cannot rule out a vocal imitator during the frozen-frame audio. The only way to prove that the audio is really bin Laden is to see him talking in the video," Krawetz says.

Another bin Laden video was released on September 11 and was much more straightforward. There was a still image of the black-bearded bin Laden (oddly, using a frame not used in the previous video), and then, as has been a tradition at al-Qaida , there was a long, unedited video of a statement read by Azzam Al Amriki, also known as American-born Adam Pearlman, who is currently being sought for treason and thought to be living in Pakistan. That doesn't mean the 9/11-released video wasn't doctored.

Click here and mouse over the image to see Krawetz's 75 percent error level analysis of one image. The white frame around Azzim reveals that his video was composited against the drawing of the World Trade Center being attacked. As Krawetz presented at this year's Black Hat conference in Las Vegas, al-Qaida has a history of doctoring background either to present propaganda or simply to disguise locations. In a separate interview, Krawetz talks with CNET about some of the tools he used in his analysis.

Tech news blog - Posts tagged 'digital forensics' - CNET
Regardless of arguing within a "conspiracy framework" or not, you've been proven wrong by countless experts.

Course that never stopped you from being a hypocrite.. and oh, btw, its much more likely a video that conveniently freezes whenever osama references current events is fake.. compared to the likelihood of your theory being true.

Um, nice try. There's plenty of evidence that supports my theory of what could be a viable explanaton... and explanation i have no INSISTED is true but that which better explains a whole range of holes in the official story. Jomo is INSISTING on a theory that has no evidence.

I've even suggested he COULD be dead, but the evidence doesnt indicate that now does it? Do you have something to say on that or are you gonna just chime in with off-topic faggotry?
oh and those experts, tsetse? they agree with jomo.


You're such a moron.

I'm not going to even point out the obvious, but i'll just note that this fits your pattern of cutting/pasting siht without reading/understanding anything.
oh I totally posted the same article


well if tsetse ignores that hes not going to buy it from another source collaborating it anyways

of course it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that a tape that freezes whenever current events are brought up is fake as hell
Ahh, now triple is going to join in the argument... claiming that because there isnt video matching osama bin laden's voice regarding current events THAT IT MUST BE FAKE! :nuts:

Good luck with your googling efforts to pwn me. /yawn

It is not a genuine video if it does not show him talking through the entire video without the video freezing. Anything said during the 'freeze time' is suspect. The fact that it freezes when current events are spoken about only proves that something isn't quite right. I believe in his other videos there were no 'freezes'. As you stated, it may be because they don't want him to appear sickly, but you have to admit that the whole tirade he went on, did not sound like 'vintage' Bin Laden.

Oh, so now it's not a GENIUNE video of osama bin laden. BOY WE BETTER CALL THE NEWS AGENCIES AND LET THEM KNOW.

Al qaeda's videos have been spliced together pieces of gay propaganda for years, often tossing in random silly "training" shit and stills. I agree there are questions around this video but stop engaging in leaps of logic just cuz you desperately want to say "AHAHAHA HE'S DEAD, TOLD YOU!"

The tirade DOES sound exactly like vintage osama bin laden.
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Ahh, now triple is going to join in the argument... claiming that because there isnt video matching osama bin laden's voice regarding current events THAT IT MUST BE FAKE!

Good luck with your googling efforts to pwn me. /yawn

I don't need to google shit its common sense.. if bin laden wanted to prove hes alive he would have released full video, not using the same clothes and backgrounds (an exact match, actually) from 2004.
I don't need to google shit its common sense.. if bin laden wanted to prove hes alive he would have released full video, not using the same clothes and backgrounds (an exact match, actually) from 2004.

Certainly... he wants to prove he's alive but most rational people realize now that he is...

The shirt is SIMILAR. The background may very well be the same. HE ISNT and it's apparently his voice throughout. THis isnt brain surgery and while we have have questions about this weird propaganda shit... those questions dont prove he's dead.

just like most rational people believe mike nifong was right?

just like most rational people believe WTC7 was brought down with explosives?

your definition of rational is your own opinion. don't mistake that for rational.

whats rational about believing anything hook line and sinker that comes out of al qaeda?

you question the bush administration more than you question the terrorist organization responsible for 9/11.

but thats not surprising.