Best band that never made it it big is?

Again...what is making it big?
How many know Bix Biderbeck?
Or Charlie Christian?
Jelly Roll Morton?
Coleman Hawkins?
All pinnacles - the best of the best.

I know that John McLaughlin doesn't get up and work for a living.

Agreed. I took it to mean "known by shitloads of people across the globe," for which Mahavishnu pretty much fits the bill.

Schubert and Mozart both died poor. Didn't they sort of "make it big" anyway?
the brian jonestown massacre

i describe them as a universally commercially rejected band. anton newcombe gives away 100% of his music so all the record companies had to do was distribute and he still didn't get picked up. one of the most talented songwriters i have ever heard

Stranger. They were from the tampa bay area in the late 80's, early 90's. They were huge in florida, you couldnt go anywhere without seeing them in concert, I've probably seen them atleast 15 times. They have probably played every bar, small concert venue in florida at one time or another. They apparently had some kind of deal with a record company around 1990 or so that ended up being really shitty for them and when they got out of it part of the deal was they couldnt sign with any other record company for like 10 years or something like that. In that length of time their style of music sort of died off and then right before they were poised for a big come back their drummer was killed and the band split up. I think their lead singer still goes around doing minor shows here and there. They actually put out 3 or 4 albums that are highly sought after by those in the florida music scene, and practically impossible to find

But they couldnt be beat for the show they put on