Battlestar Galactica Freespace mod


Veteran X
No, its not available yet. (sadly) Here's the trailer, though:

Should be good if it ever gets finished. I hope that it doesn't get shut down due to copyright issues.

The mod is also based on the freely available Freespace source code, so it should be totally free if/when it gets released. It won't require Freespace 2 to run it.

They have a forum:

And if this is OFN, sue me.

Screenshots for the lazy:





that looks awesome, I would get Freespace if this is good.
I would be Starbuck though... ooooh yeah.
fucking sweet.
I hated Babylon 5, but the free mod they made for that was good. this should rock too.
It's just the physics. They're normal, FS2 non-newtonian physics, which look really odd from the trailer video. The physics are the best part of the space battles on the show :(
Apparently they've altered the engine physics a lot so that its more like the show. They may not be reflected in the build they used for the trailer though.
CombatWombat said:
why would you ruin perfectly good freespace for this

Because its had its moment, we've all enjoyed it, now its time for something new involving Battlestars and Cylons and such.

.... those screenshots put me at half mast, btw. Looks fantastic.
Suddenly_Dead said:
It's just the physics. They're normal, FS2 non-newtonian physics, which look really odd from the trailer video. The physics are the best part of the space battles on the show :(
Newtonian physics are fun to look at, they suck however to play with. I'd much rather have a non-realistic mod than a realisitic mod.
ViRGE said:
Newtonian physics are fun to look at, they suck however to play with. I'd much rather have a non-realistic mod than a realisitic mod.
Doesn't have to be full on newtonian, just with some sort of inertia. I was just saying this because the trailer's physics were nothing close to the show's. The viper didn't even turn at a sane looking rate.

But then, if they're adjusting the physics like they said, it could come out pretty well. It looks good at least. :shrug:
Heh. I dont think many people in the realm of reality would be able to control a viper with newtonian physics. The guy who makes X-Plane put a free little game up on the X-Plane site called 'space combat.' There isn't much too it other than being able to build a spaceship with engines and thrusters and fly it with realistic physics in space. Needless to say, it is very tricky to control a spacecraft with realistic physics. It can of course be done if you have the proper computer assistance to damp your rotation after you've turned and let off the stick but its very 'weird' being able to roll your nose 90 degrees and still continue the same foreward velociy.

Either way that video looks awesome.
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ViRGE said:
Newtonian physics are fun to look at, they suck however to play with. I'd much rather have a non-realistic mod than a realisitic mod.
I remember everyone saying the same about tribes -- the physics are more fun than they would be if they were realistic.

I haven't watched any BSG, (too busy between bleach, naruto, SG1, SGA, rewatching star trek next gen and ds9, trying to get back into NS and maybe WoW or RO, working, going back to college, and procastinating with the gym and doing routine maintenence to my car) but I think I'll check this out.