[Battlefield1] Open beta started today

The new Battlefield game, Battlefield 1, has done it's best to airbrush the white male out of history. According to the developers of this game, World War One was primarily fought by blacks and other non-Europeans. This is reverse racism and political correctness at its worst!

or since you don't get to see your own character you get to kill a bunch of niggers.

they really have a blood on the German side?
Looks pretty good, plays well. I don't have a power house PC but it aint no slouch either. It's definitely good for competing with the other nerds on the servers.

The game itself on the conquest maps just feels totally random as far as combat goes.

Tried playing with my squad but nobody does anything cohesively. I imagine if a decent squad was formed it could run the show until any sort of tank shows up.
Need access to unlocks to take on tanks, I can't seem to be able to buy shit though. I'm pretty sure I've ranked up my soldier class enough but it's broken.

Game runs smooth for me on PC, graphics and sound effects are first rate.

horse combat is fucking fun

great fun you're on the horse, not so much for the people you're chopping down.
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I will never understand how people can stand these games. They're the creation of dumbed down idiotic game play to appeal to the idiot masses who can't handle a game that requires skill and thus ruined every sequel to every game that ever did require some.

I fucking hate CS. Thanks for bringing this shit tier group of players that you have to appeal to to try to make money.
The new Battlefield game, Battlefield 1, has done it's best to airbrush the white male out of history. According to the developers of this game, World War One was primarily fought by blacks and other non-Europeans. This is reverse racism and political correctness at its worst!


The biggest lipped one of them all is on the cover ffs.
I honestly thought that was a photoshopped joke thing

WTF is this shit - I know there were black people in uniform, esp on the British & French sides due to all the colonies in Africa, the Caribbean and whatnot but they were a fairly small minority. I am now imagining every second person in this thing is a jig
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I honestly thought that was a photoshopped joke thing

WTF is this shit - I know there were black people in uniform, esp on the British & French sides due to all the colonies in Africa, the Caribbean and whatnot but they were a fairly small minority. I am now imagining every second person in this thing is a jig

while it is not a photoshop joke, the entire game itself is a joke

honestly, this is the worst battlefield yet
I was thinking of buying a gtx 1060 to play this game. Sounds like I should wait for GA to know more?
Battlefield is decidedly less "arcadey" than call of duty (for example). It's always attempted to be at least a bit grounded in realism, trying to provide a large scale war atmosphere with features not found in other franchises. I can't personally think of any other game series that has such a large scope and some foundation of realism.


This is the series where you have jihad jeeps and tank c4 jumping. Arma is realistic, not bf.
I honestly thought that was a photoshopped joke thing

WTF is this shit - I know there were black people in uniform, esp on the British & French sides due to all the colonies in Africa, the Caribbean and whatnot but they were a fairly small minority. I am now imagining every second person in this thing is a jig

Other than the marketing and the imagery used in the game of the cover graphic you don't notices how blacked up they made the game.

For the low, low price of $220 you can own a "collectors edition" statue of private bootlips*.



*(Game not included, seriously)

This is the series where you have jihad jeeps and tank c4 jumping. Arma is realistic, not bf.

Please re-read carefully what I wrote. I said "Less arcadey" and "a bit grounded in realism". compared to titles like COD.
BF1 = White history in blackface, featuring Pfc. Jigaboo

You folks might think it's no big deal, but kids are playing this shit and they will grow to believe groids were a big part of the war and it goes to further solidify the jewish lie that nigs have always been around and useful in White societies.