[Battlefield1] Open beta started today

It feels a lot like battlefront, but not quite as arcadey? The movement, graphics, etc are all very much that but with a little bit more realism to it?
Battlefield games have always seemed arcadey to me, people seem to be nit picking over things to draw comparisons between Battlefront which is universally hated for it's casual tone.

The transition to "old timey" WWI Battlefield is jarring when everyone is used to the modern warfare theme for so long.
Battlefield is decidedly less "arcadey" than call of duty (for example). It's always attempted to be at least a bit grounded in realism, trying to provide a large scale war atmosphere with features not found in other franchises. I can't personally think of any other game series that has such a large scope and some foundation of realism.
Battlefield 1 = reskinned Star Wars Battlefront

If you liked Battlefront then you'll like BF1, if you didn't like every other sane gamer then you won't like it.

The weapons don't feel good, snipers are way over powered, tanks are over powered, and it's just not fun.

its battlefront except WWI

and what that means is its WWI form factor so its impossible to see around anything. there is constantly a metal plate, an airplane tail or a 2nd gunner sitting in your line of sight when using any vehicle/emplacement
Unlike previous Battlefields this one has you ranking up your soldiers individually, but it's broken in the beta you have to play a round and then leave and join a new game for your soldier class rank to update/save.

You also have to use your soldier class ability to gain XP towards that class, just killing people and playing the objective doesn't seem to do it.

There was a glitch where you could buy all the unlocks for the different classes by using the web portal for the game but they fixed it.

unless the server browser is broken, this doesn't look good for the prospects of the game.


that's all the players showing right now with the filter set to North America.
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There so much bf1 content on youtube people are probably bored of it already. Maybe they pushed the hype too far and now people are blasé
I am not sure if I have played 1 hour yet, it is fun but with Overwatch and a WoW xpack to mess around in I think if I buy it I will get it with a season pass when it is on sale.

I haven't even checked but i am sure with EA the game with season pass is $120cdn which isn't worth it.
I don't know why you would do that, you can buy the main game for probably $47 or less and wait for the DLC which won't even come out till next march.

I don't know how that happened but somehow the money in Canada has reached the same levels of being as whacked out as Australia's $
I loved codename eagle, you could fly a blimp

the reason i ever even got into battlefield was because of my love of CE

i hope the full version of this game is better because ive been wanting to fly a blimp again for like 16 years
most fun guns hands done are the two rifleman scout guns. they are both similar so either is fine. they are 2 shot kills from anywhere no sight snipers. they rock. might have to go to battlefield.com and then career then loadout to unlock them idk

also fuck tanks