[BattleField 2] Anyone Have 600+ m203 kills?

Cuthbert said:
I only bought bf2 yesterday :\ now i'm not sure I want to play it if the thread starter is an accurate reflection of pub attitudes.
i just got it a couple days ago

i suck really bad
i played m203/heliwhore/whatever to get my stats up to corporal

now that im there, i find myself getting somewhere around a dozen kills per round with the sniper.. now that im not concerned with getting stats up to an acceptable level where i actually have a shot at being a commander in a decent server, i can focus on shit like sniping.. mm.. sniping.

just wish i didnt waste my unlock on the assault unlock. that thing blows.
triple said:
i played m203/heliwhore/whatever to get my stats up to corporal

now that im there, i find myself getting somewhere around a dozen kills per round with the sniper.. now that im not concerned with getting stats up to an acceptable level where i actually have a shot at being a commander in a decent server, i can focus on shit like sniping.. mm.. sniping.

just wish i didnt waste my unlock on the assault unlock. that thing blows.

Blasphemy, the G3 is the fucking shit.
I'm thinking the same thing about the PKM Trip. It's got good knock down ... when it hits .. which is rare. It also has a long deploy time especially when you try to switch from grenades. Oh it also sucks as a traveling weapon, you almost have to use it prone and zoomed in to be even remotely effective with it. :(
Uncle Slappy said:

yep, nothing better than loading up your teammates hummer with c4 and letting them do the work.. :D
Being almost solely a tribes player for the past 6 years, it took me a while to realize that bf2 is a totally different type of game. Tribes is great because if you're good enough, you can pretty much approach anyone and win just about every time unless they get a lucky shot or if you fuck up somehow. It was fun to just repeatedly smack down some people, and only occasionally have someone that was a challenge. BF2 you gotta stalk and ambush people, use UAV to locate etc. It took me a couple weeks to put it all together and not get owned so much. Trying to get my K:d ratio above 1:1 now that I understand better how to play :p

Playing commander is a great way to do that, I usually get at least 15 kills and no more than a couple deaths. BTW, how the HELL are people able to be active on the field as well as be commander, I can never leave the commander screen when I play it because there's always shit you can be doing to help the team. Comes with experience I 'spose :shrug:
aScotiA said:
Being almost solely a tribes player for the past 6 years, it took me a while to realize that bf2 is a totally different type of game. Tribes is great because if you're good enough, you can pretty much approach anyone and win just about every time unless they get a lucky shot or if you fuck up somehow. It was fun to just repeatedly smack down some people, and only occasionally have someone that was a challenge. BF2 you gotta stalk and ambush people, use UAV to locate etc. It took me a couple weeks to put it all together and not get owned so much. Trying to get my K:d ratio above 1:1 now that I understand better how to play :p

Playing commander is a great way to do that, I usually get at least 15 kills and no more than a couple deaths. BTW, how the HELL are people able to be active on the field as well as be commander, I can never leave the commander screen when I play it because there's always shit you can be doing to help the team. Comes with experience I 'spose :shrug:
I was the exact same way, i still find myself charging in to head on fights though, force of habit i suppose.

I tried doing the commander role, while actively going out and helping the squads, it can be quite the bitch. I tended to sit back quite a ways, activate the UAV, then go in. Id usually end up defending the CP instead of going on the offensive the rest of the map. those people who are flying around in jets or helis and still being a decent commander is pretty crazy.
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RoyaleWithCheese said:
I was the exact same way, i still find myself charging in to head on fights though, force of habit i suppose.

I tried doing the commander role, while actively going out and helping the squads, it can be quite the bitch. I tended to sit back quite a ways, activate the UAV, then go in. Id usually end up defending the CP instead of going on the offensive the rest of the map. those people who are flying around in jets or helis and still being a decent commander is pretty crazy.

If you're flying a heli or a jet when you're commander you're not a good commander.

If you want to be good you should be giving squads orders and developing a strategy not just droping supplies and using Art. The most active I'll try to be when commander is being near a forward base and dropping med packs.

edit: Granted on a pub alot of people don't listen to order but when they do you will bitchown.
Austforbeer said:
If you're flying a heli or a jet when you're commander you're not a good commander.

If you want to be good you should be giving squads orders and developing a strategy not just droping supplies and using Art. The most active I'll try to be when commander is being near a forward base and dropping med packs.

edit: Granted on a pub alot of people don't listen to order but when they do you will bitchown.

indeed, but i have seen commanders in jets reply to requests, they just arent doing much else in the way of commanding, IMO thats pretty impressive, i can hardly stay alive in one of those damned things, let alone do any form of commanding as well. :shrug:
lol, i'm new to commander and all, but I'm actually pretty good at it. however, what I do is find a remote part of the map at my starting base and just prone there giving orders the whole time. After gaining more experience with the GUI and everythnig else maybe i'll be able to start going out doing shit as well :shrug:
one problem is commanders who feel like they HAVE to use what's ready. nevermind someone might need a UAV or arty strike in a min or two, he just has to use it immediately on some worthless place.
Only thing i tend to use right away is the Scan. Then i can see what the enemy is planning, and try to move my squads to counter it... doesnt always work in pubs :(
RoyaleWithCheese said:
indeed, but i have seen commanders in jets reply to requests, they just arent doing much else in the way of commanding, IMO thats pretty impressive, i can hardly stay alive in one of those damned things, let alone do any form of commanding as well. :shrug:
:lol: no shit.. i consider it an accomplishment getting a helo 5 ft off the ground without crashing. when it comes to flying, the only thing i'm good at is skydiving.