Baghdad is free!

SureShot said:
what I found disturbing is of the 22 arab countries that supposedly have governments that represent them at political functions, none of them are legitimate governments that are representative of the people. All of them are run by inheritence.
Our buddies the Kuwaities and Saudis are this way... but we needed to protect... their freedom... from Iraq.

It's cute.
well I mean its disturbing because it makes it that much easier for them to be corupt and support terrorism. Atleast with a democracy the people have some say how their country is ruled.
Merlock said:
*shrug* then it's time to take over the entire middle east I guess

Well, that's what Bush could do... nothing to stop him really. Not like it matters to him what the rest of the interanational community thinks.
Fucking hell, they're about to pull down the statue of Saddam in the central square...start watching CNN now for live history!!
SureShot said:
I wouldn't say that...just start a coup in every country so the people do the job for ya :)
We tried that in 1991 in Iraq... and thousands of rebels were killed by Saddam. What makes you think it would work in another country?
I pray that international attention will stay with Iraq for years to come. 'Our' job isn't done there yet, we still have a very long way to go. Don't forget we've for all intents and purposes, destroyed their ruling power. Questions such as, how we get that country back in order, and wean them off of humanitarian aid so that they have an economy that supports itself, need to be answered.

Perhaps our attention will go back to Afghanistan, where we have basically forgotten that progress has stopped. And, our attentin will focus FINALLY back on our economy, which is still faltering, and I seriously doubt any Bush band-aids will fix.
Merlock said:
We tried that in 1991 in Iraq... and thousands of rebels were killed by Saddam. What makes you think it would work in another country?

most governments aren't as militarily structured as Iraq and as ruthless. I honestly don't know much about religous sects in each of those 22 countries so it may not end up like the shiites, but once they start seeing the success of Iraq's democracy...who knows what could happen.
consultant said:
It took 17 hours for the germans to topple the Stalin statue.

I got into an argument with someone today, I think the toppling of statues and the breaking down of the Berlin Wall was a lot more moving and overall > than the toppling of the statues in Iraq.
Aestis said:
Since when is russia fucked up? You hate russia because a russian company sold some weapons (that didn't work) to iraq? You realize we trained and armed osama bin laden and afghanistahn during their 10+ year war there.

cut me some slack it was like 4am when i posted that, and i'm on my 2nd all nighter. I know plenty about the situation, and who we've trained, etc.. so you needn't teach me. I was more saying that last part about other nations in case i left any of the crazy fucked up countries off my list, not intending to include Russia, France, Germany in the list of fucked up countries. If you've seen many of my posts, you'd know that I have refused to hate those countries for the decisions they've made
Kizzak said:
I got into an argument with someone today, I think the toppling of statues and the breaking down of the Berlin Wall was a lot more moving and overall > than the toppling of the statues in Iraq.
Nothing to argue.

End of Saddam's reign is epic for that country to be sure... but the end of the cold war was epic for the entire world.
El Mariachi said:
I pray that international attention will stay with Iraq for years to come. 'Our' job isn't done there yet, we still have a very long way to go. Don't forget we've for all intents and purposes, destroyed their ruling power. Questions such as, how we get that country back in order, and wean them off of humanitarian aid so that they have an economy that supports itself, need to be answered.

Perhaps our attention will go back to Afghanistan, where we have basically forgotten that progress has stopped. And, our attentin will focus FINALLY back on our economy, which is still faltering, and I seriously doubt any Bush band-aids will fix.

According to an article posted today somewhere on the forums, a defense contractor's executive will be leading Iraq as the post war governor for at least 6 months.
Kizzak said:
According to an article posted today somewhere on the forums, a defense contractor's executive will be leading Iraq as the post war governor for at least 6 months.
I'm calling bullshit. They would let a COMPANY run a COUNTRY?

Dude, I hate Bush... but he is not THAT thick. Please tell me he's not.