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Aestis was an absolute asshole of a poster (but hilarious with it) and he stopped posting b/c he knew it was going to impact on his real life.

It was always that way here, this place has always been the absolute dregs.

and that's how we like it

Vanster, you really shouldn't have started drinking again, it isn't going to help with any aspect of your life, particularly the grieving process.
vanster waxes poetic about the old days of TW being about good content and Tribes but has never posted in the Midair thread and just goes into every thread being a negative dick to everybody that hasnt completed their masters

No John, you are the demons
No I don't believe TW is the only place that does it. What I do believe is that of the places that keep anonymity, racists congregate there.

Cmon Anthony, think of this place 12 years ago. Bohica, Special, Logroller, WarWitch, Aestis, and Stone were all active, all posting about gaming and politics, and IT and everything else.

The smart people are gone now, and it's not because they aren't playing games. Nat, Aes, Chu, me, even Cyanide still plays games. None post here anymore, except me, and the reason is this place isn't gaming anymore. It's a haven and harbor for racists that don't want their work or family to know.

people think i am joking

but tw is a microcosm for the rest of america

and when it goes so will our larger society

look at vanster's posts lately.....


look at what has happened to triple and kiint

look at ICFIRE after the tw trolls ran him off

My Confession... - MobTalk - A Political Discussion Forum plus

My Confession,

It is time for me to come clean, to come out of the closet after many decades of concealment.

I am a person of deep faith.

I play an atheist on the interwebs, I consider myself an agnostic but lying under it all is faith, a deep, implacable, FAITH.

I have no excuses to make for my God, he never destroyed anyone, manipulated anyone, lied about anyone, lied to anyone or forced someone to do something against their better judgement. He's not the complete ego that the Christian God proves they are in all those ways he messes with the very things he created, humans, followers, his faithful dupes. You got a whiny ass bitch god and he made you into his whiny ass bitch followers, we are not all created alike.

Truth be known, I'm probably more a person of faith than most Christians are, I just don't talk about it, it's my business, not anyone else's.

I don't buy a God that I wouldn't have as a friend, a God that gave man rules to live by who broke every one of them himself. A Christian God who is petty, vindictive, egotistical... a freaking maniac. You find that God admirable? Worshipable? You're a moron. All those atrocities he visited upon man because God's little ego got upset when they didn't listen and obey him? He's THE parent, acting like a spoiled, petulant child. He has done NOTHING to be admired for or to deserve anyone's praise but maybe the Devil in reality, read his story from that point of view and all those atrocities come out in a new light. He makes much more sense, as a detrimental influence in our lives. Think about it for once, instead of just accepting. All those trials and tribulations he demanded of his followers... why? He made us, he is supposed to know us, know everything, then why does he get upset with us, hmmmm?

... see that's is part of being a God you all turn a blind eye to so you can have your foolish, unquestioning, faith. Because you're accepting fools.

My philosophy, Christians have been told all their entire lives and not really grasped what was being said. >> There is but one way and that way is through me <<.

No church, no bible, no priest, no one but you and God. One way, through me. say it loud, say it proud, I am God's rep here on earth and I'm a damn sight better one than Christians claim to be as they aren't happy w/o forcing others to live their lie as well.
Christians want to change others to their CRAPPY FAITH AND CRAPPIER GOD.

I was a custodial parent. My kids are in their 40's now and I raised them with the exception of 2 years by myself from when they were 3 & 5. My ex accused me of EVERYTHING you can accuse a male, single parent of. I had my kids taken from me for lies of me abusing them. Lies of me neglecting them. Lies of me using them as my slaves. Lies of me using them as a carrot to jack with her. Lies and more lies... nothing but lies.

FYI, the custodial parent has NO POWER to stop an unhappy ex from doing whatever they want. I could predict my ex's behavior. That didn't help me but had quite the opposite effect. And time allows them to get away with the lies. I knew it was coming almost every time and was defenseless to stop it. Legalities of parenting being what they are. We have to take it, we have to defend ourselves from all the lies and false accusations. She got $7,000 behind in support. This was at $15/child or $30 per week w/o any requirement to pay medical for most of that time. The only tool at the disposal of the custodial parent is contempt of court for failure to pay for the most part. Else the legal system hamstrings the custodial parent in the sort of adversarial situation I and many single parents find themselves in. Do that math and realise I lost money for 7 years till I made enough w/o any support to afford my own family. Countless moves due to the money just running out. Martial arts, voice lessons, so many things I had to end up pulling them out of due to her not paying support, that the kids seen as me failing in, not their mother. I tried to be fair to her and to negate the damage she was doing to the kids and I have succeeded. They still love their mother despite her being a complete shit while they were growing up until they hit around 11-13. Then they started asking her why... then she changed tactics and was successful, especially after wring letters to my daughter telling her she's be prettier, happier, etc... if she but lived with her. I let that happen when my daughter was 15/16. My daughter and I got in another argument with her telling me how she'd be happier with her mom, so I said, fine, call her. She has told me she was ready to move home in about 2 weeks of living at her mom's. She wouldn't return home until right after her Prom as a junior.

You think I made it through dealing with my Christian ex while raising my kids from poverty to adulthood for a decade plus in court twice a year and being made out by her lies of me as some kind of scum of the earth unscathed? Without having faith in something? You really don't think at all, for me, Christians like that are the real scum of our earth. Christians and other organized religions are a farce perpetrated by man. None ever needed or wanted. That is you putting a false idols between you and god in the form of a church. It is THEIR take on God you embrace, not your own. Thus, you are not a Christian, you worship a false idol even if they preach from their work of man called The Bible, not a God inspired artifact,or God ordained work but a dying King and Pagan up until the end of his life who then converted to Christianity and his wish for salvation, created the bible.

My God taught me better than to be like you. Yours turned you into whiny ass bitch snowflakes. Mine made me independent and respectful of our diversity and having faith in man, not a shitty being yours is in story and deed if the bible is to believed.

I got by with a little help from my friends.

My God doesn't worship money or ask for it. My God taught me all I needed to know in one song from Sunday School. (I left the church at the age of ~8 due to the discrepancies I seen/heard between what we were taught in Sunday school versus what the adults were taught in the main room where I spent the last part of my church experience listening to them this, go to hell, do that, go to hell. How many times do you need to return for the same lesson? Years? Decades and you still don't know the golden rule?

Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world
Red, brown, yellow
Black and white
They are precious in His sight.
Jesus loves the little children
Of the world.

I mean, I just smh Christians think their example is that of a all seeing, all knowing being...really? Idiots.

God is an intellectual, not some frail egotistical stupid shit. Intelligence makes (or at least should make) one far more understanding as humans. We know there is a difference between theory and practice, that is called reality.

Tolerance is one of the biggest reasons Christians hate people like me. Which of us is a abiding by the golden rule? Not Christians...

We are all God. We each, in our daily lives, with everyone we interact with make an environment we can either create and build in, or tear down and destroy and YOU and YOUR CHRISTIAN GOD...are the latter.

I hope you find the right path before you screw it up for all of us, all over the world for your shitty take on God. I think it is too late, I don't not expect us to be around in 300 years, I think with this election you have sealed the fate of our children's future and that of our species for your faith. Science is real, your God isn't.

The only thing my time fighting with my ex taught me was to absolutely loathe money, to this day. Especially after growing up with parents from the depression who counted every penny. Who saw no purpose in investing in their children or even encouraging any of us to go to college. We are the shut up unless spoken to generation, another Christian value I rejected as a child and as a parent.

it all reads the same to me

but, hey, i'm one of the crazy people they tell me

as i am told to fight for people who don't want to identify with a sexual identity, in a game of identity politics, but still want to play with machine guns in military combat roles
TW beats the drums of statistical racial inequality, squirms in computer chairs at the thought of a race-war, throws the n-word around like water,

I don't think I've ever been (or felt) racist against white people, but I really do have a strong aversion to rednecks, niggers, and vatos.

first and only time this word has been used in this thread so far

and oddly enough by the only person who thinks his opinion matters (and yet shouldn't count in regards to counting and accounting in gross generalizations)

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Vanster wants to next everyone here so bad he can taste it

I really don't like people, of any race. I've always preferred animals to people, and at 52, that's magnified. I don't think I've ever been (or felt) racist against white people, but I really do have a strong aversion to rednecks, niggers, and vatos. I don't like res-centric natives either. They're all cut from the same cloth and have a lot in common: they aren't educated, and hate people that are. They distrust the government, even though it's of the people by the people, and for the people. They're terrified of anyone that is homosexual, anyone that comes from a different place, or is a different political identity as them.

Universally, they love and hate technology. They love powerful vehicles and powerful guns, and they love to intimidate other people and animals with them. They rely on phones, computers and the internet to communicate, and have zero idea how any of it works. They distrust science because they have never really understood science or math themselves.

If it doesn't affect them, it doesn't exist: if they don't have forest fires or hurricanes they generally are distrustful of the scientists that tell us climate change is the biggest challenge in nature we face now. If they hear of a child starving in Yemen, they'll first question whether or not Yemen even exists (because they've likely never strayed from the trailer park, res, or the hood. If someone shows them evidence that Yemen does exist, and the civil war there is resulting in starving children, their response is "well box up your last sandwich and send it." They are incurious and stupid people.

They love symbols over philosophy: A blue or red handkerchief in the back pocket, an American flag, or whatever flag. They claim to know history yet demonstrate little knowledge. Speaking of knowledge, they are distrustful of anyone that's learned things. They take great pride in being "street smart."
When anyone of any race tells me they are street smart, all I hear is "I'm not genuine-smart, but I'm pretend-smart."

There is a terrible prejudice in America, and it has targeted learning. It's cool to be stupid now. It's really cool to "not have time for any of that," or just have a philosophy of "keeping it real." Well yeah. Real dumb.

So there you go, and you weren't baited. You're one of 20 people left in this shithole that warrant getting a genuine reply.

he uses a lot of words trying to condemn people he doesn't agree with because they are just too ignorant and bigoted

he professes that these people are so far gone they aren't even worth being called people anymore

they are apparently subhuman to him now

at no point does he see the irony in any of this

does he understand that his own hatred and desire to classify and then vilify his opposition has turned him into those he says he hates the most

made him equally bigoted and blinded to the world around him and his bubble

that mind virus yo
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No I don't believe TW is the only place that does it. What I do believe is that of the places that keep anonymity, racists congregate there.

Cmon Anthony, think of this place 12 years ago. Bohica, Special, Logroller, WarWitch, Aestis, and Stone were all active, all posting about gaming and politics, and IT and everything else.

The smart people are gone now, and it's not because they aren't playing games. Nat, Aes, Chu, me, even Cyanide still plays games. None post here anymore, except me, and the reason is this place isn't gaming anymore. It's a haven and harbor for racists that don't want their work or family to know.
1. smart people don't need to go around calling themselves smart
2. bohica is in my pants and no i wont let him speak to u
dang TW's domain is already paid for the next 83 years?

is such a thing even possible?

sounds like fake news to me

i dont know who to trust anymore except talking cats
dang TW's domain is already paid for the next 83 years?

is such a thing even possible?

sounds like fake news to me

i dont know who to trust anymore except talking cats

I've confirmed it with my sources familiar with that sort of thing.
oh great

now the lizard people really won
Don't start being speciesist. I'm sure there are perfectly fine members of the lizard people group. Some are even better than members of our own species. I'd rather a lizard person as a neighbor than some pedophile, dog fight enthusiast, scientologist or crackhead thief.