(Audio Clip) Guy witnesses car accident while leaving voice mail for his boss

yeah that was some hilarious shit. Without him calling the woman "mother goose" and without his laughing it wouldn't be funny though.
That reminds me of the John-Boy and Billy show. A lot of their crap isn't funny, but when you hear them laughing, it's hard not to laugh with them.
TwistaX said:
Voice mails only recorde for like 30 seconds... its Fake..

but funny :)

You need to read the earlier threads. Corporate voicemail can be set to record for any length of time. My voice mail as it is set now can record for 3 minutes. It can be set longer. The length of the message is no indication of fake or not.
Alchemist said:
seems to go on way too long... i dunno.. is there nobody else around stopping this? he's the only one in the area? and he's already late for this meeting.. i dunno i'm not sure i'd stick around that long in my car laughing my ass off watching this. wouldn't someone else call inform the police or w/e about the accident? seems rubbish

Fuckin A dude, i know i would stay around to watch the whole fucking thing i tell you that. That dude who called is fucking awesome and i want to meet him. I personally think its genuine and that shit had me rolling on the floor.
wtf is wrong with you guys today? that wasn't funny at all.
and its fake. he gave too much detail. how did he know the book was a bible?
if he was close enough to see that kind of detail how come i didnt hear any of the shit that was going on? does he drive a tank?