(Audio Clip) Guy witnesses car accident while leaving voice mail for his boss

Well voicemail is an end user setting. Corporate systems can be set up to whatever you want so a message length that isn't limited is possible.
seems to go on way too long... i dunno.. is there nobody else around stopping this? he's the only one in the area? and he's already late for this meeting.. i dunno i'm not sure i'd stick around that long in my car laughing my ass off watching this. wouldn't someone else call inform the police or w/e about the accident? seems rubbish
I say its fake, cause the action takes place too fast for an old lady to do it. Within 4 to 5 seconds she rolls down her window, sprays the guy with peper spray then gets out and beats him with the umbrella
Grammar Police said:
I say its fake, cause the action takes place too fast for an old lady to do it. Within 4 to 5 seconds she rolls down her window, sprays the guy with peper spray then gets out and beats him with the umbrella

You're seriously retarded. Once again.

Damnit, I want to save a copy of this for when I go over to my friends house. Fuck I don't have time to build an html page to get it. :(
I like how he even described the version of the bible, I mean, uh! NVI (NIV actually) Those were some mean old ladies. Especially for "bible thumpers"

I think he wanted too ease up the fact he was late. ;)

Who knows though :shrug:

Vid would've been better.

Yeah, the fact that he knew what 'version' the bible was seemed pretty odd, let alone know that it was a bible in the first place.
they wrecked in front of him he stopped and was still in his car... I would imagine he is very close to the action. I would assume the wreck was not a fast paced wreck more a fender bender and he is stopped right by the action. (and they are blocking his way from moving forward anyways)
Indeed, voice mail can run for a long time in businesses.
I remember one time one of our suppliers called and got the voice mail. Being the pompous ass that he was, he started bitching about us not answering and that we should get back to him ASAP because he had this sweet deal for us. Then he apparently forgot to hang up the phone. What happened next was 10 minutes of hilarity; the dude was basically talking to one of his associates, saying how we were suckers and how they'd sell to twice the cost to us, badmouthing the manager and calling our service absolute crap (even though the bastard got most of it for free) using such words as "dipshits" "dumb fucks" and "assholes."
He showed up the next day to talk about the "sweet deal" with the manager.
It wasn't pretty :)