At what age did you feel your inner child die?

Neek said:
Neither will mine. Beleive me , i've tried everything.

MAybe I should nuke the site from's the only way to be sure.


o m g you are my hero for using that quote!

God, my friend says that erre-day i love it
Not sure. I don't know if it was ever alive, I've always felt very different and unchildlike. Although that doesn't mean I wasn't always a child :) If I go by what others have said.. I guess the kid died around 14/15 (Two~ years ago).
My gf doesn't think mine has died.. I don't really know myself.

She says she won't need to have kids as she already has one.. :shrug:
Beren said:
My gf doesn't think mine has died.. I don't really know myself.

She says she won't need to have kids as she already has one.. :shrug:

Mine wants kids, but says im like a kid.
your inner child never dies, you may lose contact with it, it may go to sleep, but it never dies, it just depends on if you want to listen to it or not