At what age did you feel your inner child die?

Chikaze said:
is that the difference between the truly insane and the merely casual insane?
I don't know, but any fucker who drags arguments around in circles for more than a few minutes deserves a broken nose.
Mine first died when i was 7 and my father was killed.
Came back to life when i was 20
Died again when i was 23
Rose from the grave again last year.

My inner child is some sort of ultra-persistant zombie kid I guess. :shrug:
Cav Scout said:
When my mother hung herself. I was 4.

Sorry to hear that.

Me, it slowly died when I began HS. Being around such idiots back then, and no I wasnt some dorky kid who got beat up or anything, I just realy hated teenagers when I was one. Basicly just how they put such importance on unimportant things, like the girls talking months in advance about there prom dress. boys talking non stop about how they got drunk one night, un funny sex jokes, everyone trying so hard to be cool.

It was just being in a place I didnt want to be with people I didnt like and knowing that there was no resnable way out. Then I met my gf and things were so great for me for the first time. then her crasy bitch mother sent her away to some trailer park in Louisiana with her grand parents who barly spoke english. It only lasted 3 months but I was so depressed I was just never in a good mood and I ever since iv been kind of cold to people and very pesimistic.

Nice thread btw

The best time of my life was around 3 years old. I imagin it's about the same for others who have had a good chieldhood.
daerid said:
my inner child will never die

Neither will mine. Beleive me , i've tried everything.

MAybe I should nuke the site from's the only way to be sure.
Neek said:
Mine first died when i was 7 and my father was killed.
Came back to life when i was 20
Died again when i was 23
Rose from the grave again last year.

My inner child is some sort of ultra-persistant zombie kid I guess. :shrug:

You have the John Travolta inner chield I see.
Neek said:
Neither will mine. Beleive me , i've tried everything.

MAybe I should nuke the site from's the only way to be sure.
Aliens references == WIN

i dunno

I know it was dead during most of middle - high school

but to be honest

i think he's back like jesus these days
Reggs said:
Sorry to hear that.

" ...everyone trying so hard to be cool."

You have embodied high school in seven words. In hindsight, this can not be more true. I run into people from my old high school randomly, it's always interesting to see who makes it and who ends up eeking through a newfound pathetic life.
Reggs said:
You have the John Travolta inner chield I see.
Well...That's not really the way i would put it...

The thought of having a John Travolta inner child is repulsive to me. :sick:

But I guess I catch your drift. :p
Hugo said:
You have embodied high school in seven words. In hindsight, this can not be more true. I run into people from my old high school randomly, it's always interesting to see who makes it and who ends up eeking through a newfound pathetic life.

:rofl: So true. Inevitably, it's the entire "cool" crowd that ends up serving me burgers at fast food joints. And I revel in every second of it.
daerid said:
:rofl: So true. Inevitably, it's the entire "cool" crowd that ends up serving me burgers at fast food joints. And I revel in every second of it.

Precisly, sometimes it'd vindictive as you say to find big shots from high school doing shitty in life. Now that I've said that, I will pretend karma does not exist.
daerid said:
:rofl: So true. Inevitably, it's the entire "cool" crowd that ends up serving me burgers at fast food joints. And I revel in every second of it.
So true. :rofl:
HS was such a bag of shit. I spent most of it reading books and ignoring most of the social bullshit.
Before you get the impression that i was some lanky book nerd take note that I was over 6ft tall at around 15. No one messed with me.

That, and the fact that I became indispensable when it came time to buy the alcohol. ;)
February 10, 2003

Its come back since then, as a few people have come into my life that have brought back much of what I lost. Now I think I'm better off than I was a year ago