Asheron's Call

The game was good, but very empty. I would hang out in Mayoi and try to learn all my spells before people figured out the pattern.

Once the botting started i quit.
yeah the botting was the game's biggest flaw since microsoft/turbine didn't do anything to stop it. I the worst change they ever made to the game was housing, though. It was a good idea at one point but when they added guild mansions that you could tie yourself too everybody just used those as towns and the game became very empty.
I had a friend who bot alch/fletched and vendored it. Used to give me 500 free platinum scarabs every week, good times.
I also accidentally sold my GSA to a vendor when drunk.

:lol: Poor guy.

Man, I had stacks of sticky notes with coordinates to everything, no quest helpers or wiki's to help you find things.

I miss running against the subway door with a half dozen other people trying to lag through because no one had lockpicking. I was always nice enough to stop and open the door for everyone else too. :sunny:
best mmog ever

no zones, no restrictions, constant FREE updates that actually added a lot of content and story each time

that kind of business model wouldn't cut it these days, but if they made an MMOG like AC I would play it fore sure

Uh, its called EVE.
:lol: Poor guy.

Man, I had stacks of sticky notes with coordinates to everything, no quest helpers or wiki's to help you find things.

I miss running against the subway door with a half dozen other people trying to lag through because no one had lockpicking. I was always nice enough to stop and open the door for everyone else too. :sunny:

hah, i remember that doing that.

Uh, its called EVE.

I think Darkfall has a lot of similarities, but it was pretty lolbad on release. I'll probably check it out sometime.
i didn't hate AC2, but I hated a lot of things about it. Mostly I hate that it was nothing like AC and pretty much killed the franchise. no NPCs was just stupid. I didn't like that they expanded the races beyond human(ffs AC was the only game at the time that just let everybody look normal, I don't want ogres and cats running around). Nothing in the world had the same feel as regular AC. I understand it was a different game, but they could have at least captured on one of the many things that AC did right and they failed to do that in any respect.
I loved AC2.


AC2 was such a bastardization of the AC franchise, it was fucking pathetic. It was like they took everything that made AC stand out, cut it out of the game, added a bunch of bullshit that sounded good in theory but were broken in game (too much emphasis on player crafting that did not work, player built towns, can't really remember too much else about the game). The graphics were good, but that was pretty much it.
asherons call was, is, and forever will be the best mmorpg, period

wow doesn't even come close :]

every 3-4 years i get a nostalgic yearning for AC and reactivate my account

im considering doing so again in the next couple of weeks, apparently they now have a playable olthoi race, and a bunch of other cool shit, plus i left my char off at like level 220 so i'm good to go if i start up again
I was just playing AC for about 6 months on darktide, but stopped a couple months ago. Haven't played in years, but went from 1-220 pretty fast. Just must have a guild that owns a dungeon to macro in. Darktide is still fairly busy on all times of the day. There are many PvP hotspots, the only downside is DT is populated by like 7 guilds.