
Far be it for me to make assumptions, as unfounded assumptions truly are the root of all evil.

But is it not true that almost a year ago, arsin was pushed to his emotional and psychological limit because various people persisted in making fun of the appearance of somebody he no longer claims to be?

I find that not even in my wildest fantasies could anyone become so attached to a stolen identity that it would cause them sufficient mental anguish enough to warrant a total psychological breakdown, thereupon followed by open threats and a ban.

Not even in my wildest fantasies, my dear friends. It is, by all means, a logical impossibility.

I also find it curious that arsin, so eager to disprove and dislodge my most fascinating theories at the first opportunity, has suddenly gone quiet when faced with this most pressing question.

A most curious turn of events, wouldn't you say?


arsin sure knew alot about precise when 'precise' was banned like a year before arsin joined... interesting!

that arsin and Matt Ritter are from smallville?

So, I'll break this down for you once and for all.
Arsin pretended to be me for like three years prior to this thread, I had no idea because I never came onto tribalwar.
Yesterday, Glenn Michalowski (dio) messaged me on my blackberry informing me of this thread. I was confused as fuck to see all my pictures all over your website, had me a little concerned. So I dug a little into the thread to see all my personal information plastered all over here.
I then found out the situation and by that time Jas Scala(LGBR) had added my girlfriend on facebook.
Me being smart enough to realize that this could eventually lead to something that could fuck up my personal life I informed her and made my facebook private.
Now, Arsin pm'd me and told me we should have some fun with this. I told him to stop impersonating me and I don't want to have any fun with this because it's fucking creepy that he's being using my pictures and information for three years.
My girlfriend got on webcam with Xcursion to prove that she was a real person.
Her account has not been activated so she and I have been sharing the Precise2 account now.
I don't really give a fuck if you guys dislike Matt Ritter(Arsin) but I have nothing to do with this situation, he's a psychopath for using my personal information and I'm not "buddy buddy" with him like this obibun character tends to hint at.
Rayn has told you, that I'm not him. Simple as that.
Obibun your personal vendetta towards him as nothing to do with me.
I also continue to find it most interesting how, instead of taking the fight to someone who stole his identity for nigh three years and threatened his very lifestyle with his ridiculous antics, Justin Lawrence instead chooses to spend the entirety of his time defending both himself and the identity thief.

For someone who did not know of me mere days ago, he sure has taken great pains to make me out a fool.

The kind of pains that.. another, may have taken? Were he of the same body and mind?


Thought provoking, indeed.
Again, you must have trouble reading, what would you expect me to do? BE REALLY MAD AND TYPE ALL IN CAPS? THAT WOULD BE VERY USEFUL.
Oh, you mean from the same shitty town?

I thought you meant they were characters on "Smallville", the TV show, meaning he got the names from there.
Again, you must have trouble reading, what would you expect me to do? BE REALLY MAD AND TYPE ALL IN CAPS? THAT WOULD BE VERY USEFUL.

It is not what you have done, but rather what you have not done, my good man.

Not since the very first second you discovered this identity thief and imposter have you shown any emotions of surprise, anger, fear or uncertainty. Not once since you found out somebody had been impersonating you for nearly three years have you shown any sign of emotion towards the entire fiasco.

Not once, in essence, have you acted like a human being.

And this is because you are not a human being. Oh no, you are a shadow of a human being. A fascade, a charade and fake.

You fail to have human emotions because you are not human, you are a smurf.

Do not try to hide it. Your skin is a sickly blue.

My question remains unanswered, "arsin". I have asked it more times than the sun rises in a month, and yet, despite an overeagerness to provide staunch alibis to every other question, you avoid this one as though it were infected with the bubonic plague.

Why is it you had a mental breakdown, threatened multiple people and needed to be banned because people were mocking the appearance of somebody who, allegedly, is not you?

I find it curious that the majority of people would not even break down over a situation such as this were it themselves, but another stranger?
It's really hard to emotion over the internet obibun, you're doing a fantastic job showing everyone that you're crazy though, I don't expect it, but when you do finally realize that you're wrong, maybe you could remove all the personal information you have posted about me because I have not done anything in this entire event.
It's really hard to emotion over the internet.

Your nervousness betrays you, dear fellow.

You have misspoken.

For someone with such a calm demeanour I find this.. rather odd?

Allow me to inquire, Justin Lawrence.

How is it you are aware that I am the one who posted your information?