Any of you fucks get migraines?

I was diagnosed with cluster migraines, but I don't think that was correct. They were just regular migraines, but they were somewhat consistent, like 1-3x a month, somewhat seasonal (I could go a couple months without one).
While I'm not a doctor, that doesn't sound like a cluster migraine.

Cluster headaches are very different than a standard migraine in that they don't last as long - between 20 minutes to 4 hours each, and you get 2+ a day, every day, around the same time of day, for several months, around the same time of year. Mine started between January and March and I got 4 headaches every day for about 3 - 4 months. Some poor fuckers get them chronically, meaning they don't go away after a few months, they just keep getting them, every day for a year or more. Most of the chronic people end up killing themselves which is where the nickname, 'suicide headache' comes from.

Clusters also only effect 1 side of your body - brain, head, neck, shoulder, breast and with some people, also their back. For me, it is the left side. I could tell when I was about to get one when my left eye began to water, or my left sinus would begin to clog, or if I began to lose my hearing in my left ear. If I didn't inject myself right away and bring out the oxygen tanks, I was fucked in 10 minutes. That is if the injection and the oxygen worked which the odds were never in my favor.

I know we are all getting older so taking psychedelics is not on the menu but if you are suffering from migraines, I would definitely look into 'Busting'. Now I don't know if busting will work with standard migraines or not but it's worth looking into. Fuck living with this kind of pain.
The worst that can happen is you spend an afternoon sitting there watching things that aren't really there

and of course you end up like samUwell

but he's a good guy tho so :bigthumb:
Drink more water. I did get the occasional migraine 30 years ago, never anymore.
No, I'm sorry to hear you have these. I wish you the best. Also you might be wary of trying it, but I do hear psychedelics help. Consult the research.

I'm really bummed with my personal battle with Schizophrenia and negative symptoms but I looked into forums for people with similar stuff and found some data on some supplements with clinical data. I suggest you do the same.

Gotta be proactive no matter what, your suffering matters and getting relief is a journey.
A lot of people in here are confusing migraine/cluster/sinus/tension headaches.

Educate yourselves, fools:
Migraine vs. Headache: Telling the Difference Between Them

Sometimes I go a week or so without a migraine, but other weeks I get 3-4 of them. When I actually logged it for a neurologist migraine specialist, it averaged just over 2 a week over a two month logging period. However, I only get about one really bad migraine a month. The rest are a mix of 4-10 hour ones.

I'll say this, if you can sleep without heavy medication when you have a "migraine," then you probably don't have a migraine. Laying down and having even more pressure above my left eye (or eyes) is absolutely not happening. I don't think I've ever managed to fall asleep with a bad migraine. I think a lot of people think that a headache or a "bad one" is a migraine.
A lot of people in here are confusing migraine/cluster/sinus/tension headaches.

Educate yourselves, fools:

Migraine vs. Headache: Telling the Difference Between Them

Sometimes I go a week or so without a migraine, but other weeks I get 3-4 of them. When I actually logged it for a neurologist migraine specialist, it averaged just over 2 a week over a two month logging period. However, I only get about one really bad migraine a month. The rest are a mix of 4-10 hour ones.

I'll say this, if you can sleep without heavy medication when you have a "migraine," then you probably don't have a migraine. Laying down and having even more pressure above my left eye (or eyes) is absolutely not happening. I don't think I've ever managed to fall asleep with a bad migraine. I think a lot of people think that a headache or a "bad one" is a migraine.
I can't sleep through them most times. I toss and turn and curl up and feel dizzy and throw up every half hour till it's nothing but stomach bile coming out.

If I had that multiple times a month I'd honestly consider suicide that's just nuts.
I get them. Usually start with 'visual disturbances'. Little explosions on the edge of my vision, until they grow to where I cannot see at all. Eyes open, everything bright lights. Sucks.

I was given a prescription for FROVA. It was supposed to work and can be taken within a couple of hours of the start of the migraine. I tried it and it worked. Helped me. It was hard to get and they started marketing it towards menstruating women who get menstrual migraines.
Now, I take 2 excedrin, and drink a coke. Usually knocks it down enough to function in about an hour or two.

Feel for those that get them...they are no joke.
Nope, but I drink plenty of water. I have 2 Voss water bottles. I re-fill them with water from home, take one to work. They are sold in grocery stores.
try cbd oil dude

Ive had major vertigo issues the past 3 years and it has helped greatly, also sleeping issues and now I sleep like a baby. There is no high if youre worried about being labeled as a weed smoker
i've had migraines and headaches my entire life

the migraines were far more frequent when i was a kid, but as an adult i get maybe one a month

i get headaches like every other day tho
I get them. Usually start with 'visual disturbances'. Little explosions on the edge of my vision, until they grow to where I cannot see at all. Eyes open, everything bright lights. Sucks.

I was given a prescription for FROVA. It was supposed to work and can be taken within a couple of hours of the start of the migraine. I tried it and it worked. Helped me. It was hard to get and they started marketing it towards menstruating women who get menstrual migraines.
Now, I take 2 excedrin, and drink a coke. Usually knocks it down enough to function in about an hour or two.

Feel for those that get them...they are no joke.

yes that is migraine w aura

some people just get auras, but never a migraine... my uncle is one of them.

Ive never gotten a migraine without an aura... its so god damn routine, i usually have an idea of when its coming even a day or two before...

I have 4 brothers and my mom tells me she had migraines when pregnant with me but not my other brothers, and none of my brothers ever get migraines

wife had them all of her adult life until she went to eye doctor one day and they discovered she had a prism (strabismus). she got glasses to help correct it and the migraines went away entirely.