Any of you fucks get migraines?


Veteran XX
Been having headaches as long as I can remember. Went to the ER last night because I was so nauseated and dehydrated. That's likely my 4th time I think.

Get em? Take meds? ER doc told me about triptans... apparently you carry them with you and have to take them on early sign of migraine onset.

I think I'm dying. Maybe 30-40 years left, tops.
I used to get the worst kind known to man - cluster migraine headaches but, I have not had a series in almost 8 years. My dad and brother used to get your standard 12 - 24-hour long migraine but they grew out of them. I too am hoping I grew out of my clusters.

The list of medications I was given while going through a 4 month long series of clusters was insane. I found a lot of relief from oxygen tanks but nothing was guaranteed to arrest it before it went full blown. I was also given the tryptamine injectors and would go through those like candy which got to be very expensive.

I eventually learned about a method called, Cluster Busting which involved eating small amounts of psychedelics (shroomz, LSD, or DMT) and tried it during a really bad series. I think I was on my 3rd month of getting 4 really bad headaches every. single. fucking. day and bought half-ounce of shrooms, ate a 1/2 gram every day for a week and the series stopped. I haven't had one since nor have I shroomed since.

I feel your pain... I really do. Hope you can 'outgrow' them as I hope I did. My life would go on hold every time a series began. It SUCKED more than you can imagine.
I can get pretty bad headaches if I get dehydrated. I drink a lot of water constantly. But I don't have headaches often and it's probably not the same thing as a migraine. But make sure you keep your water intake up.
I can get pretty bad headaches if I get dehydrated. I drink a lot of water constantly. But I don't have headaches often and it's probably not the same thing as a migraine. But make sure you keep your water intake up.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to SeVeReD again.
I used to get the worst kind known to man - cluster migraine headaches but, I have not had a series in almost 8 years. My dad and brother used to get your standard 12 - 24-hour long migraine but they grew out of them. I too am hoping I grew out of my clusters.

The list of medications I was given while going through a 4 month long series of clusters was insane. I found a lot of relief from oxygen tanks but nothing was guaranteed to arrest it before it went full blown. I was also given the tryptamine injectors and would go through those like candy which got to be very expensive.

I eventually learned about a method called, Cluster Busting which involved eating small amounts of psychedelics (shroomz, LSD, or DMT) and tried it during a really bad series. I think I was on my 3rd month of getting 4 really bad headaches every. single. fucking. day and bought half-ounce of shrooms, ate a 1/2 gram every day for a week and the series stopped. I haven't had one since nor have I shroomed since.

I feel your pain... I really do. Hope you can 'outgrow' them as I hope I did. My life would go on hold every time a series began. It SUCKED more than you can imagine.
Wow that's pretty interesting about the shrooms lol...
Wow that's pretty interesting about the shrooms lol...
Yeah. I'm now 48 years old and honestly, I am really not too interested in shrooming but if the cluster headaches ever come back, you can bet your ass I will be shrooming or dosing on acid on day 2. I am willing to do anything I can to get them to stop.
had as a kid, went away about age of 10 or so

past 10 years i get one or two a year. eyes go blurry, lightning bolts slowly cross my vision - when it happens i take advil and i am ok - very first time it happened was pretty freaky , i was on a service call and had to drive back to work.. got a bad headache afterward for a few hours. advil stops the headache.
Yep. Migraines since I was a kid. We never knew what caused them. "Too much sugar" was always cited by random people.

It took me into my late 20s to realize that I had two significant triggers, one being the largest by a mile: the sun (or bright lights). I mean you only have one life, so when the sun hurts your eyes physically when it's visible, you think everyone else feels that same pressure. You don't know your eyes are just far more sensitive to it than the average person. I used to play outside a lot, so this caused god knows how many migraines over the years. I would get nauseous, hot/cold, want to die in a little ball, but could never sleep through it.

As I got older, I realized I was instinctively changing all my backgrounds to non-white and hacking programs or getting skins to change things to gray/black. I think learning to program was very eye-opening, as I wanted my code background to be really dark and sometimes I would get help or help someone who had a white background and it would just flat-out hurt my eyes. I realized I was the outlier.

Reducing bright light situations dramatically reduced my migraines. However, I can't avoid them altogether and sometimes I get them if I sleep incorrectly on my neck at night. Funny enough, you would think overcast days would not give headaches, but they ESPECIALLY do as even with glasses, everything is "bright" and you can't really avoid the sun.

Side note: when the sun is setting or rising and the color changes due to Rayleigh scattering, it doesn't hurt my eyes or cause migraines.

I've tried god-only-knows how many "triptan" medications. The problem is that they want you to use them when you think a migraine is coming on. Most of the time I don't know until it's into it. Worse is that they only work on the weaker migraines.

My fix is oxycodone. I also didn't learn this until I was almost 30 years old. 2.5-5mg of oxycodone will dramatically reduce the pain/pressure in my head. The pain reduction/good feeling of the pill only lasts a couple hours, but whatever it does to me chemically also reduces the migraine itself. I'd say a good 90% of the time, when the pill fades, the migraine is gone with it as well. It took forever to figure out that there was a pill out there that works. I've tried all sorts of painkillers, like morphine, etc. None of them do anything for migraines. And unfortunately, I'm allergic to medium/high dosages of oxycodone, so when I tried it once (30mg pill) when I was about 20 suffering through a particularly horrendous migraine, it only made it worse. I was puking my brains out all day, dry heaving, sweating, etc. I avoided pain pills until I was near 30 and had yet another awful migraine that lasted like a day+. I said fuck it and tried a 30mg pill, but this time I broke it up into tiny fragments. I think I took probably 3-4mg and while it still made me nauseous, within 30 minutes my suffering was over.

Also, I've learned recently that Euros have been doing this for awhile, but combining acetaminophen and ibuprofen in moderate dosages can help tackle the weaker migraines, whereas separately they are fucking useless. This combination is key. In fact, I always take one or the other WITH an oxycodone.

If you have a weaker, more addictive personality, I would never recommend pain killers for anything. And doctors are morons in this regard as they are brainwashed by big pharm to push more expensive weak medication.
Over the counter stuff does nothing for mine. 4 out of 5 I can rest and sleep off. The 5th is a hospital visit for IV hydration and heavy drugs.

My doc did suggest the Advil Tylenol cocktail too though and it seems more effective for the usual headache. But they do nothing once the migraine is under way.
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I've had maybe four headaches my entire life, and the last one was at least 15 years ago. Even when I drank like a sailor I never even had a hangover.
Same old. A couple clusters when I was in my 20s. Full on auras. Started as little sizzling balls of static in the middle of both eyes. Grew into rings, spread out off the sides of my vision over the course of an hour while feeling disconnected from my body then - boom - horrible brain squeezing pain. I would get out of the light under covers. Sleep for a couple of hours and be fine.

They gave me something called cafergot that I would try to take at the first signs. Usually a slightly weird floaty sensation with a distinct change in smell. This went on over a few months with another patch a year later. Now, nothing. Haven't had one in forever.
u guys should try the mushrooms thing that samuel was talking about. you get get them easily online nowadays
ya a lot of ppls triggers could be barometric pressure tbh

i get 3-4 migraines a month since I was 13 or so.

aura goes from tiny pin in middle of vision to completely blinding over 45mins or so, then it disappears and the pounding starts.

I found if I smoke weed during the aura phase, the aura goes away instantly and the pain goes from a 12/10 to a 5/10, so I still have to sleep it off but its not nearly as painful. no meds have ever worked for me.

triggers for me are rapid change in weather/temperature which makes the midwest terrible for it as the weather changes constantly, especially during this time of year.

I did shrooms once in college and it stopped my migraines for like 8 months or so, I need to trip again and see if it staves the migraines off for a long time.

o well gg
ya a lot of ppls triggers could be barometric pressure tbh

i get 3-4 migraines a month since I was 13 or so.

aura goes from tiny pin in middle of vision to completely blinding over 45mins or so, then it disappears and the pounding starts.

I found if I smoke weed during the aura phase, the aura goes away instantly and the pain goes from a 12/10 to a 5/10, so I still have to sleep it off but its not nearly as painful. no meds have ever worked for me.

triggers for me are rapid change in weather/temperature which makes the midwest terrible for it as the weather changes constantly, especially during this time of year.

I did shrooms once in college and it stopped my migraines for like 8 months or so, I need to trip again and see if it staves the migraines off for a long time.

o well gg
3-4 per month I'd legit kill myself...fuck that life
My wife used to get them at least twice a week, really fucked up her ability to have a good career. 20 yrs later they have tapered off, having a baby changes your body chemistry and that helped her a lot, menopause will probably help as well when we get to that (probably not an option for you)

Lately they have been coming back more often, probably related to neck problems. But does she do stretching/exercise to fix her neck? No of course not, just complains year after fucking year.

I've heard of the shroom/lsd thing before. I would definitely give that a try if you can't isolate a direct physical cause.
My wife used to get them at least twice a week, really fucked up her ability to have a good career. 20 yrs later they have tapered off, having a baby changes your body chemistry and that helped her a lot, menopause will probably help as well when we get to that (probably not an option for you)

Lately they have been coming back more often, probably related to neck problems. But does she do stretching/exercise to fix her neck? No of course not, just complains year after fucking year.

I've heard of the shroom/lsd thing before. I would definitely give that a try if you can't isolate a direct physical cause.
Yeah the neck and shoulder thing is a big contributing factor IMO. Overall physical fitness in general.

When I was on a solid workout regimen I never got migraines. But then I had kids and haven't properly worked out in about 3 years. Gonna have to make the effort now that they're a bit older.