Another liberal pussy crawls out to criticize BushCo

DwarfVader said:
Bad choice of example, try CNN or MSNBC, Fox news is as much a joke as the TV Critic part.

I took a guess on which network would get the most respect in this thread.
Take your pick and get back to the point at hand. :p
Boomyguy said:
but politicians do have a greater place in politics?
they don't seem all that smart to me. what makes some senators son better than anybody else?

They dont seem so smart because they're so easily belittled. Kinda hard to respect someone when they get bashed on TV 24 hours a day. I'm no huge Bush fan, but have you ever wondered how much credibility hes lost due to the slander he gets on TV. Yeah, we all know he cant give a good speech, I doubt most of you could do better. Shouldnt he though, since he is the representative of the US? Maybe, but just because he isnt very affluent doesnt make him an idiot.

My overall point is simply that everyone has an opinion of politics, its the only job in the world in which everyone thinks they can do better. But the fact of the matter is that the people in politics have studied them for a number of years. They have helped make policy decisions, and more often than not they know some things you don't. Theres a method behind that madness of poltics, and its not always money as some would suggest.
Boomyguy said:
I took a guess on which network would get the most respect in this thread.
Take your pick and get back to the point at hand. :p

No way boomy, thats fucking UPSURD i rite?
[FTM]Tequila said:
would you want to be something a dick is plunging in and out of?
wait nm


I guess I had not thought about that point. I still think that my point is valid to a certain extent tho.
Totally disagree, but you are welcome to put them on a pedestal if you wish.

Rigel said:
They dont seem so smart because they're so easily belittled. Kinda hard to respect someone when they get bashed on TV 24 hours a day. I'm no huge Bush fan, but have you ever wondered how much credibility hes lost due to the slander he gets on TV. Yeah, we all know he cant give a good speech, I doubt most of you could do better. Shouldnt he though, since he is the representative of the US? Maybe, but just because he isnt very affluent doesnt make him an idiot.

My overall point is simply that everyone has an opinion of politics, its the only job in the world in which everyone thinks they can do better. But the fact of the matter is that the people in politics have studied them for a number of years. They have helped make policy decisions, and more often than not they know some things you don't. Theres a method behind that madness of poltics, and its not always money as some would suggest.
Actually, I have no interest in the topicality of this thread any longer.

This thread is now about Cheese:


[FTM]Tequila said:
I heard that people make cheese in their bathtub and sell that shit in stores. Has anyone tried this crap?
I do it everytime my tub needs cleaning. Works like a charm.
Rigel said:
Yeah, we all know he cant give a good speech, I doubt most of you could do better.

LOL, I resent that remark.

We're allowed to question and criticize our leaders when we don't feel they are up to the job. This isn't Iraq. Yet.
Rigel said:
They dont seem so smart because they're so easily belittled. Kinda hard to respect someone when they get bashed on TV 24 hours a day. I'm no huge Bush fan, but have you ever wondered how much credibility hes lost due to the slander he gets on TV. Yeah, we all know he cant give a good speech, I doubt most of you could do better. Shouldnt he though, since he is the representative of the US? Maybe, but just because he isnt very affluent doesnt make him an idiot.

My overall point is simply that everyone has an opinion of politics, its the only job in the world in which everyone thinks they can do better. But the fact of the matter is that the people in politics have studied them for a number of years. They have helped make policy decisions, and more often than not they know some things you don't. Theres a method behind that madness of poltics, and its not always money as some would suggest.

You're a fucking moron. We live in a representative democracy, where everyone from a Harvard graduate to a relatively uneducated farm boy can serve in the political system in one position or another. Yes, their opinions and stances carry more weight because of their position, but that doesn't mean private citizens can't grasp the exact same issues and tackle politicians.

You seem to think the title of 'politician' absolves these people from any sort of criticism. Criticism which is a fundamental part of our political process. Oh wait, Rigel says if we aren't politicians, we can't talk shit about the government. We're not as smart as they are.

That's what I meant by being an elitist faggot. You need to stop turning this into some twisted form of idolatry. Politicians aren't exactly the most deserving bunch.

If I don't agree with a politician, I'm fully capable of articulating my disagreement, and can form my own judgements about issues. If you want be a blind sheep, be my guest, but don't project your own ignorance, especially onto the military of all professions, fuckwit.
Rigel, you couldn't give a better speech than Bush but I know I could. I've done it. I'd suggest proof reading your post at least once before posting it and avoid using words they forgot to teach the definition of in college.
I never said anything about "not being able to talk shit about the government." Im simply saying that granting military personel a greater sense of legitimacy because of their job is stupid.

Like I said, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but that doesnt make them right.