Another liberal pussy crawls out to criticize BushCo

Hey DwarfVader, how about we torture your wife to find out why you are such a douche.

You are so in favour of torture, maybe we find out how much.
it's amazing how people who are sitting in front of a computer in relative luxury think they know more about the war in iraq than a command sergeant major.
it's beyond belief how they would proceed to call that person a 'liberal pussy'.
P1aGu3 said:
Hey DwarfVader, how about we torture your wife to find out why you are such a douche.

You are so in favour of torture, maybe we find out how much.

It's called sarcasm you fucking retard.
Baloo said:
it's amazing how people who are sitting in front of a computer in relative luxury think they know more about the war in iraq than a command sergeant major.
it's beyond belief how they would proceed to call that person a 'liberal pussy'.

No, you fucktard, cause there isnt a shred of evidence that this guy is who he says he is. Welcome the internet, Ill let you in on a secret... people lie here.

EDIT: And even if he is who he says he is, who gives a flying rats fuck what his opinion of the war is. Its not his fucking job to question the policy for war, thats for politicians to do. I dont know when people came under the impression that politics equates to military. The military serves at the leisure of the government, and the military doesn't have the education or experience to question the government. Individual people have that right, but just because you're in the military doesn't give you any better perspective than myself or anyone else on the reasons/logistics of war policy.
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DwarfVader said:
The interview was done by a TV critic, holy shit that job means less then the guy who makes my tacos at Taco Bell.

Can I get a credibility check on register 5 please?
Rigel said:
No, you fucktard, cause there isnt a shred of evidence that this guy is who he says he is.

LOL so once we establish his biography, do you have something to say about the content of his comments?

"In this rapidly changing and dangerous world, U.S. Special Forces are vital to the security of all Americans. CSM Eric Haney is perhaps the World's foremost expert on military special ops. Read INSIDE DELTA FORCE and learn what we are really up against." --Bill O'Reilly, Anchor, Fox News Channel

I was roaming through a Barnes & Noble bookstore last week, when I ran across a book written by my old team leader from 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment –D (Delta Force). The book oddly enough, was entitled Inside Delta Force. The author, my old team leader, is Eric Haney.
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[FTM]Tequila said:
no, its good for causing the subject pain...lots and lots of stuff everywhere

Yeah but it's illegal. Sodomy is not and will achieve the same results.
No, see... AJ... Here's how it works.

CSM Eric Haney said, "Those boys are doing a damn fine job in Iraq. Damn fine job."

See, I just made that up. I'm an Air Force Computer Geek and I probably have 20 berjillion times the credibility that TV CRITIC has.
Automatic Jack said:

Ok, so hes a real person. Who says he gave this interview?

My point still stands that the military is in the buisness of war, not politics.
Rigel said:
Ok, so hes a real person. Who says he gave this interview?

My point still stands that the military is in the buisness of war, not politics.

That's a pretty naive blanket statement. Politics and the military in the United States are closely intertwined, and always have been. Also, your earlier comment about soldiers lacking the education needed to 'understand' politics is not only condescending but flat out wrong.

Stop being such an elitist faggot.
Rigel said:
Ok, so hes a real person. Who says he gave this interview?

This is such a desperation move. Honestly, just don't even bother trying to continue down that train of thought. It derailed on the first page.