[Anime] I need something new to watch

I usually don't participate in these threads, but I am going to recommend Golgo 13, which is an old series that has new episodes (like a remake). It is about an assassin sharpshooter, and every episode is about him making some impossible shot or orchestrating a hit and getting away with it. It's not zaney cartoon, actually pretty serious. It is cool.

I would have reccommended it too, were it not already on his shitlist. I find this regrettable, but I don't feel like berating in this thread. I'd like to try and move away from negativity in getting my point across.

I like Golgo because it's a simpler franchise from a simpler time in anime/manga history, when men were men, women were objects*, and everybody had huge fuckin' eyebrows.

Understanding Golgo requires, I dunno, a certain kind of mindset when approaching it. Like the vast majority of anime, it basically lives or dies by its absurdity -- and it's hard to get much more absurd than a stone-faced hitman who beds every woman he meets, snipes people from ludicrous angles with a fucking M-16, and always, always, ALWAYS gets off scott free even when he's practically sitting on the police's doorstep with the gun in his lap.

*Well, even more objectified than they are in MODERN anime, anyway.
The new golgo13 episodes are terrible. I liked the originals, but after 3 episodes, I had to stop b/c the script was just poor.
ben reed you are exempt from my shit talking, because you are a fucking pimp. But the rest of these virgins need to get a grip

I respect and enjoy your highly subjective favor.

As for getting a grip, as a man who's watched entirely too much of this crap over his life, I'd say it's mostly a function of experience. The longer you stay with it, the more you learn to gauge what you want out of it and why, and if it's worth sifting through the crap to find the hidden gold.

But like all nerddom, it's difficult as hell to hit that precious middle way -- most of the time, you either get out early because it offends the hell out of you, or you read way too much into it and you go fucking insane. To this day, I'm not sure which one happened to me.
The new golgo13 episodes are terrible. I liked the originals, but after 3 episodes, I had to stop b/c the script was just poor.

To be honest, yeah, I think the manga stories are a lot stronger (it's being rereleased in "best-of" format in bookstores lately, there's some good stuff in there like Golgo putting out a hit on Dodi Fayed and taking contracts from Nelson Mandela). However, I am forced to declare Golgo best anime of the season by default and pimp it at every opportunity because it's not some moe-ridden tripe, kiddie fodder, or Geass (which is perhaps the best BAD anime in recent memory, but I really don't care to waste hard drive space on it, so I let my brother watch it for me). It is a manly show for a manly audience, and goddammit, there's not NEARLY enough of that in modern anime.

(And for those of you who have no idea what moe is -- that's probably a good indication that you'll get laid within the next year.)
Ghost hound is one of the few new shows that drew my attention. The premise is that an apparently narcoleptic boy starts to have out-of-body experiences while asleep. At first it's just dreams of floating over the countryside but he soon realizes he can control were he goes. Furthermore, things that he sees or does while out of body are happening in the real world.

Back when he was very young, he was kidnapped along with his older sister and brought to an old abandoned hospital. They were rescued, but by the time the police got there, his sister dide.

The story revolves around the mysterious details of the kidnapping, strange happenings at a government bio-tech lab in town, and a cult.

It's from the same team the made Serial Experiments Lain. Beautiful animation and some nice CG thrown in there too. The only turnoff was the middle school drama between the main characters. Thankfully, teenage emo bullshit was kept to a minimum. They make up for it though, when one of the kids uses astral projection to rape(? It wasn't clear if she wanted it really) a older woman he has a crush on.

The opening---vvvv
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Other than that, well done. You are dismissed.

Him listing G Gundam and to a lesser extend Gundam Wing is not well done. So is listed Eva and Macross in the not liked group. Sure, Eva is a mind fuck the way it originally ended but it was later fixed while still being a mind fuck. Macross just can't be disliked unless it's Macross 7 or Macross Frontier.
- Which Macross didn't you like? If it was Frontier, you are automatically forgiven. If it was the original Macross, fuck you and die in an embarrasing autoerotic incident, you piece of shit.

- I certainly hope you're enjoying Geass purely in an ironic capacity. Enjoying Geass in a SERIOUS capacity -- only madness that way lies.

Macross F is amazing, one of the better shows this season.

Geass sucks, one of the popular shows this season.
I highly recommend full metal alchemist, and I'm surprised that it hasn't been mentioned yet. It's got a great story and an excellent ending. I'd write more, but I have to go eat lunch and get back to lurking.
I highly recommend full metal alchemist, and I'm surprised that it hasn't been mentioned yet. It's got a great story and an excellent ending. I'd write more, but I have to go eat lunch and get back to lurking.

You didn't pay much attention when he listed it as a show he liked under the acronym "FMA".
macross frontier started out awesome but has been going strictly downhill from then on. each new episode is worse than the last. it's really a letdown.

one show no one has mentioned yet is shigurui. it's phenomenal. not for everyone, but it's one of the best shows i've seen in recent memory. i made a thread about it last october, here: http://www.tribalwar.com/forums/showthread.php?t=512705&highlight=shigurui

seconding baccano. it's 13 eps (or 16 if you count the extra 3) so it's not a huge time commitment. it actually took me about 4 episodes to get hooked. there are a lot of characters, but once you get to know everyone a little it really starts to flow. really good show.

gundam 00 is pretty good too. well produced, coherent plot. basically, a paramilitary group called "celestial being" decides to use four advanced gundams to stop all wars in the world by pre-emptively attacking certain countries. i'm on ep 10 or so right now and it's still pretty good. the character names are also hilariously awesome.

i don't think anyone has mentioned tenga toppa gurren lagaan yet. by most authorities, it was the best show last season. i liked it a lot, and i'm not even a fan of that style so much. similarly, the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya was also very highly regarded this past season. TTGL is about a boy and his friend/idol that break out from underground where humanity has been languishing since anyone can remember. they find some large mech robots and go on a journey to discover why humanity is forced to be underground. the show is full of burning fighting spirit and so on. TMOHS is about a guy who joins a club at school led by the charismatic haruhi suzumiya. the point of the club is to try and find espers and aliens and such, but he thinks is bullshit, but things aren't really as they seem. partly slice-of-life, part comedy, part sci-fi. also really interesting because the episodes were aired out of chronological order for more dramatic effect. both pretty good shows.