50% off Medal of Honor Warfighter

The first one wasn't bad. It was the beginning of the gameplay push away from BC2 and toward BF3, tho. Are you spawning into offensive sniper fire in Rush in this game like you were in the first DICE MOH?
Short answer, no

Combat Mission = Rush like mode, you have to plant explosives on an objective but there are multiple points to plant them. Some have the points spread out and others are more concentrated, like you'll have a bunch of stacked barrels and each side will have places to arm a bomb.

Only when the bomb has been armed does the defending team see where it is and they have to defuse it before the timer expires.

I haven't been sniped on spawn in to your "safe zone", when an objective is taken and you hear the order to "fall back" if you're on the defending team you can get caught in the new spawn zone for the attackers you can still fire your weapon but a count down timer till you're killed pops up, don't fall back and you'll die when it expires.

You can't spawn on your fire team member if they're firing their weapon or have been spotted by the enemy - cut's down on the frustration of spawning on a squad member and getting chewed up in the cross fire.

Unfortunately you can't switch who you're teamed up with - or change teams either. I think there's suppose to be a way to force who your fire team mate is through creating a platoon but I'm not sure.

They did address some things that people have complained about - you can lean in game but you can't move while leaning :/ it's a bit awkward as you can press a key to lean directly, default is T and Y or you can hold a key and then use your right and left to lean. Alt + A or D for example. There's in game VOIP that doesn't need to be setup out of game, there's an in game server browser and ability to save favorites - though battlelog gives you more options for searching and showing ping as numbers instead of just cell phone signal strength bars.

I haven't had any crashes but the battlelog forums are full of complaints, lots of whining about getting owned etc. TTK is just as harsh as MOH 2010 if not more so.
I think this sums it up

This is as generic as modern military shooters get, the shooting is dull, the story nonexistant, incredibly and punishingly linear, scripted like you are watching a movie, filled with the brodude military jargon, insultingly short, all wrapped in a pretty engine. The multiplayer isn't as bad but then again it's the same progression system you've grinded a hundred times before.

you could copy and past this for every Medal of Honor, Battlefield or Call of Duty game made in the last ten years.

I think I'll still get my entertainment per hour value out of it, especially since it was $30.
Yes but that is about the single player. I never even try single player on these games any more.. I'm surprised anyone does, they almost always suck.
I'll help admin it, everyone that's better at the game than me will be suspected of hacking therefore everyone will be subject to being kicked/banned.
I like it as well. It takes a page from Battlefield and a page from Modern Warfare along with a few new ideas to make it stand alone.

The Fireteam system is great, the movement/sliding/leaning system is the best I've seen in a modern FPS and the classes are far from what's been done in the past.

The reviews out there are heavily biased. They complain of bugs, which I've yet to incur and that it hasn't pushed the genre along, which is a flat out lie -- I guarantee you the next Black Ops won't have any new mechanics. Warfighter may have a short campaign but who cares? I think they nailed it with the Multiplayer, despite a few maps being unbalanced.

CoD has been the epitome of copy and paste since the first Modern Warfare and Halo is of a different breed.
You haven't had your gun and soldier changed on load? I also get a random bug where when I deploy the sniper UAV I sometimes don't regain control of my characters view, it switches to under the map looking up. They seemed to have fixed the spawning under the map and falling to your death with server side patches but there are still lots of frustrating crashes and lockups.

I do agree that the reviews are full of shit, they fawn over Call of Duty but are trashing MoH for really lame reasons.

PC Gamer...

You can portray war like a silly, globe-trotting disaster movie, as Modern Warfare does, and you can scrape by without questioning your character’s relentless killing. But when your story is told with stony-faced seriousness, a little critical distance might be a good thing. In fact, isn’t it both dishonest and ethically abhorrent to do anything else? If your videogame is set in the real world and its characters kill hundreds of people without feels or personal injury, and then your videogame unthinkingly applauds those characters, you’ve created a multi-million dollar celebration not of heroism, but of violence and killing.

I'm sure they'll give BO2 a 95
