50% off Medal of Honor Warfighter

it's too bad too...

Because I'd certainly give the game a shot, might be fun.... just like I gave Bad Company 2 a shot and it turned out to be a good gamble.

But I won't give EA or Origin another go at it.
They make it look more like battlefield in that video, you only get brief control over an attack chopper that has limited control for movement as a kill streak perk.

small maps, infantry only, fast paced arcade shooter. I liked it better than CoD, it's a 1:1 copy of Battlefield 3 in terms of player movement, little slower to deploy your LMG and stuff like that but the animations are copy and paste.

the two man fireteam works rather well, nice to have person to spawn on. It's easy to get boxed in to your spawn area though if one side has better players in some game modes, I liked Combat Missions mode from MOH 2010.
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For 29.99 ... Why not. Beats paying 59.99.

Yea, but I'd have to buy a premium origin account... which defeats the whole purpose.... and then there's that bit about installing and actually having to use Origin again... so Yea... EA getting in the way of gaming again... what ever happened to the days of the "For Gamers, Buy Gamers" EA?
Yea, but I'd have to buy a premium origin account... which defeats the whole purpose.... and then there's that bit about installing and actually having to use Origin again... so Yea... EA getting in the way of gaming again... what ever happened to the days of the "For Gamers, Buy Gamers" EA?

Are you quasi (mis)quoting an ad-slogan from like the early 1990's
Yea, but I'd have to buy a premium origin account... which defeats the whole purpose.... and then there's that bit about installing and actually having to use Origin again... so Yea... EA getting in the way of gaming again... what ever happened to the days of the "For Gamers, Buy Gamers" EA?

It's a discount bonus for Battlefield players, but I'm sure the game will be $30 for everyone not too long after release.

Too bad BIS is focusing on getting stand alone DayZ out the door, I was looking forward to Arma III but it seems that's been put on the back burner. Having two of the devs locked up in Greece on charges of espionage isn't helping I'm sure.
It's a discount bonus for Battlefield players, but I'm sure the game will be $30 for everyone not too long after release.

Too bad BIS is focusing on getting stand alone DayZ out the door, I was looking forward to Arma III but it seems that's been put on the back burner. Having two of the devs locked up in Greece on charges of espionage isn't helping I'm sure.

Umm... I doubt ArmA III is delayed because of Day Z... more likely delayed because of development changes.... like when they decided to adapt everything from PhysX 2.0 into PhysX 3.0 at that last minute.
The community alpha was suppose to be out by now, I think one of the guys who's imprisoned was doing all the work on making the 3D buildings for the map.

At least some of the stuff that they doing with Day Z will probably help Arma III in terms of performance.
Well... having your dev members locked up in a Greek prison ... that certainly puts a wrench in the plan... having the entire Greece Judicial system on strike... I'm sure that isn't helping either.

WTF Greece... how does Justice go on strike?