[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

The only one humiliated was that dumbfuck who caught an extra bunch of charges because he is stupid crook. Cop went home after his shift and the criminal went to jail.

Cop - 1
Crook - 0
Clu - 0
After that your rectum got passed around too

Thats why mike told me it was prolapsed on fb before he died right?

Go see a doctor dude

A feminine looking man talking to another man about another mans prolapsed anus...this really expalins a lot about you.
My shrink told me to go to my friends house and hang out but fuck dude I cant sit there like they do and watch TV the whole time talking only during commercials. None of the shit on TV is real anyway. It's weird and seems unnatural to me. If we are gonna chill and talk let's do that I feel like telling them. The TV is one of the most evil weapons ever designed and I dont watch that shit like most folks do. I do watch LIVE PD cause I really like seeing police busting bad guys cause bad guys suck.

The best thing about tw is that you and Havax tell each other how great you are.
elementary kids didn't need vacation day but the teachers had to carpe diem how often do you really get a chance to call in