That's bullshit. For all they knew he might have been playing a Japanese Air Force vet from WW2 who suffers from frequent flashbacks and escapes the local geriatric ward to hijack and kamikaze planes.

So much for so called "role playing."
I'm not sure what the command is, and it might not work for families. Ask the admins or in the forums.

BTW if I come in now can I get an invite :)
That's funny, I was just thinking about how we should declare all out war instead of pot shots back and forth between the few gangs we're not friendly with -- just wipe them off the board.

I don't know who the fuck DrJonez is in-game, what his relevence is, or why you retards won't stop bitching about him, but it's getting fucking annoying. It's fucking irrelevant and asinine. I haven't even seen the kid say anything recently, yet some of you act like he's going to drop the Whopper any second and just end our shit.

You're creating your own fucking drama where there is none. It doesn't even make any fucking sense. We've already been informed that he has no relation to the server operation in any way, he's not in the fucking gang, and he has no say as to what can or cannot be done. He's subject to all the same rules, and his actions are totally inconsequential. So, what the fuck are you chumps bitching about?

Deal, or leave. I'm tired of hearing all the whining about fucking nothing. It's fucking nothing. I haven't ever seen so much bitching about fucking nothing.
You're creating your own fucking drama where there is none.

you must not have started posting until tribes was dead. because if you were in the community during the T1 heyday (or even the T2) heyday, you wouldn't AT ALL be suprised by this.
That was a lot more fun and hilarious for both of us than if I'd just driven up, shot him, and drive away without any interaction at all.

today you drove up and shot me without any interaction at all (unless me trying to run away counts as interaction), while i was already solo fighting 3 people

i'm not really bothered, due to my timezone it was my first chance to experience the wonder of Jonez in SZR SA, and i didn't have any expensive guns...but i just wanted to point out what a hypocrite you are

edit: and i was fucking winning as well u cunt!

The admins put out a range ban, banning two ip ranges because of someone. If you're banned post on the forums and they'll clear it up.
srsly, you guys need to stop picking on jonez. Just cause hes a fat whining piece of shit who takes this game too seriously, that doesn't mean we should all hate him. :rofl:
No one gives a shit if you pick on him, just stop fucking whining about him.

The SWAT team decided to use our HQ as a training ground. They staged a raid and used compliant Ballas as their targets. This is bad for us. They're going to be even more familiar with the club and probably even develop tactics to use specifically for a raid on our HQ.

Cops are the common enemy, but punks in this gang want to fool themselves into thinking we are in some sort of alliance. I'm being fucking wary. The police force isn't organized. Laws change depending on who the fuck is connected at the time.
DrJonez has officially lost all sense of reality. If I was a fucking fat blimp covered in adipose tissue, I'd live my life through a video game as well - so I don't completely blame him.
Well they remade the gang and Danny_Walsh has control I guess

I really don't care, trying to run that gang was such a pain in the ass
no Joe_Goebbles came in as admin to talk to us, and accidentally deleted the gang when he left... i think he just gave temporary control to whoever was on

you're a good leader juke, now gimme 10,000 thanks