Hey my gubernatorial candidate of choice said marijuana legalization is a form of reparations.

She's gonna resolve us white new Yorkers of our sins by legalizing the green
tbh it will take a nixon to make ny/ca republican (aka GREAT) again and she always looked great next2 SJP

(tbf 2 sjp i saw her on the seinfeld comedians/cars/coffee and she seemed nice)
Everything is Nazi to these Jews. It's fucking amazing how they think everything is related to Nazism. To get a better understanding of this phenomenon please read: The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements (Tele recommendation and its worth every page)

These people are insane.


I can't find Jack Proseibec's account on twitter (probably spelling his name wrong) but you have to see the Rothchild reaction to this tweet by Elon Musk........you would think he was about to Scooby Doo the Jews by the way they are responding.


given your comments on the lost clinton emails i thought you would enjoy that one
saw someone else mention this on here today



i am running out of things i can mock folks

we are running out of seriously stupid viewpoints that are now being taken as serious responses