irony is that I can't use work safe because even though I have contributed in the past and it was supposed to be forever I no longer have it

womp womp
But you're not the only one reading. I have followed this thread from start and found some interesting things, but recently it has required a lot of scrolling to get to it.

thank you for this post

i agree that the signal to noise ratio has been really bad due to bullhorn posters

and that there just isn't that much out there lately

twitter and reddit and fb has taken down any of the accounts i used to enjoy

they all moved to gab and i dont feel like re-uploading all of them just for this thread.



but i will keep it going with what i do stumble upon and enjoyed
why do i keep posting in here


because we all have our hobbies

alright surgeons are a hilarious breed

down in the VI i was in an OR with a surgeon. dude was talking with me about drywall at lunch so he hands me the bonesaw and says 'you're probably more qualified with this then me with the amount of sheetrock and boards you've cut, here u go!' and allows me to hack a toe off.

you have the surgeons who are holier than thou and then the cool dudes who burn initials into livers because its not going to do diddly squat and he knows it. let the man sign his work damnit