


been there done that
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why the history channel only about ancient aliens now


ahhhhhh i see well let us get back to ancient aliens then

listen closely:: dont u dare trash ancient aliens, bro

some of THE best tv there is

forehead mcslappy... whats his name... togo? yeah, sure wish he was back to posting here
So why doesn't this count as hate speech and get these fuckwits arrested?
Because it's Okay to hate on white people and Christianity only. Everything else, especially Jews, Islam and, Trannies, are totally off-limits.

It is literally designed to be used against those in the white male population who will stand up and defend who they are, their history and their way of life and throw them into prison. The State needs these males locked up because 99.9% of them will pick up weapons and fight back once the European war is underway, and the Jews NEED to have the while male population locked up in order for the Muslims to steamroll the nations.
So why doesn't this count as hate speech and get these fuckwits arrested?

Sam's post covers it imo......we are seeing some disturbing trends

A => B is one thing

but B => A is another

much as with if you as a man cried rape, or sexual assault, or domestic violence against a woman there would be a very different result by police when responding. the level and litmus test for you to be on the same level of enforcement protection simply does not exist because we realize that the sexes are not equal and that a level of favoritism is required for one side to live in harmony with the other......

well.......certain groups are exploiting this theory to the point of breaking it.

#METOO movement

protected preferential class protectionism is the new goal for all tribalistic and identity politics we are seeing today.


this is ok......but if you switch black and white it isn't.

this all boils back to the marxist based critical theory concept that only whites can be racist. only men can be abusive. they have set up a system where anyone who is a man and who is white (not jewish) are no longer citizens and no longer deserve class status within the confines of their own country........and they have only just begun i am afraid to say.

only recourse for white men is to become trans or pretend they are gay.......to switch identities in the way that rachael dolzier wanted to be black welfare queen and elizabeth warren wants to be Pocahontas. For all white men to be like Bruce Jenner if they want to have legal assistance and advocacy again.

this is entirely the point of black lives matter movement. they want one set of rules for black people crime + enforcement and another for white people.......where white people can't even call the police on POC's if they get their way and this is why they get so upset that someone conflates ALL LIVES MATTER with BLACK LIVES MATTER because they really are not talking about ALL PEOPLE.......just their people and the endless pursuit and agenda advancement of it.

It is always about "THEIR" people.......advancement of one subset of the human race over another. That is all identity politics is and all it was ever intended to do. Pit the tribes against one another in a race to the bottom while the rich can skim and scamper away after the corpse has been picked clean and everyone else fights over the bones.

The more people allow empty terminology like racist or sexist to let them gain further incrementalism, fuel their entitlements, the worse it is going to get. And when and if they ever reach a majority.......absolutely none of the courtesies the Western world extended to them will be repaid......because A != B........and that is where the real fun begins (like South Africa and all over Africa and Middle East)
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but hey......don't take my opinion seriously


all we have to do is listen to them tell us what they are after themselves

>Woman says offensive word to black people = jailed for 3 years

>Black POLICEMAN rants on how farmers should be killed = keeps his job

call someone a kaffir and you go to jail.......incite violence and burn people alive with tires on their neck and you are a hero

Jail Time for Using South Africa’s Worst Racial Slur?

i don't see a race war coming