[Official] Hearthstone

i got a pagle from a pack within the two week limit after it was nerfed

1600hunna DUST

crafted ysera

immediately regretted it and wanted cairne instead.
I got to rank 4 running the same warrior control deck all season long. I don't care enough to grind out any of the lower ranks. No win streak sucks balls.
ya every rank game i see cairne AND rag... like literally... every single game

fuk i wish bliz would add more cards. and theres no hint at an expac anytime soon :|
I just keep running into preists that stack a bunch of the "double minion health" cards and then the "attack = health" card and then they one shot me.
its kind of hard to pull of the buff a dood to one shot u on priest tho...

but if you see them dropping a 2/7 turtle guy late game get ready. cuz next turn he can be 28/28 lol
I just keep running into preists that stack a bunch of the "double minion health" cards and then the "attack = health" card and then they one shot me.

That's a Bronze World Issue. That's like saying Shamans are ridiculous OP because Bloodlust can turn a board full of seemingly harmless totems into a win.
Expansion hits on monday.

Goblins vs Gnomes with 120 new cards. Right now you can play an arena for free and it has the new cards in the mix.

i have been saving gold for the last couple months by just doing dailys in the morning with my coffee. i have over 5k gold saved so i will be doing one of them 50+ pack opening vids. :wiggle:

I was just watching Kripp this morning. This dude has enough dust to craft golden everything.
I'll be buying a 40 pack of cards. Game is addicting but I don't really enjoy grinding for cards.

also holy shit at all that dust. I have about 4k dust saved up and I thought that was good.
I feel like I play more than the average person would. Like, I play enough every 3 days that I can usually complete the 3 daily quests that have accumulated. But i still have only like 5 legendaries and there's no way to compete with the top decks or people with a bunch of legendaries.

Its kind of funny how this game seems to get a pass even though it's clearly pay to win. Like there is absolutely no way to get above rank 10 or so unless you've put in dozens of hours or dollars to grind cards. Skill legitimately does not matter until you have a good amount of "good" cards. Oh well its still a fun casual game.