So whatcha doing tonight? Im doing a nonsober happytime night.

Unless the guy is lying through his teeth about the whole cancer thing, worrying about his addiction is like being pissed about what cabin you got given on the Titanic.


ive had nurses and docs notice needle marks and complain half sorry that "we just cant seem to find the vein"

docs notice... docs dont care... in the hospital they load me very hard on the dialaudid and dont say a word.

So yes virginia having cancer makes everyone not give a fuck about "dependency and addictions"

which imho is probably a smart course.
People will get prescribed upwards of 300mg of Oxy a day to manage their pain, 40 mg isn't a huge dose.

second this-

for one thing ive got a tiered system at pain management ever since my kidneys got shot to shit.

every month i get a # of 20s, 40s, and a few 80s, plus a handful of percs.

that number does exceed a months worth barely but as i mentioned earlier obviously i not longer am a daily use

I WOULD be if it werent for the handcuffs they shackle to your pills. Daily dosage is sort of a nightmare and if you have a postive turn in treatment it becomes a problem... i chose infrequent to PRN dosing.

withdrawal sucks and my system keeps me squeaky clean for not needing dose increases.

i am drinking right now

i teach 9 classes tomorrow

but imma try to snag myself a nice haircut too before i go in

im taking the mohawk to extreme levels now