Manned SpaceX launch [LIVE]

Scrubbed. Next Window is Saturday afternoon.

this wouldn't have happened in 1986. back then, weather-related cancellations were known as the hallmark of BIGLY PUSS BITCHES AXEING 2B RAPED BY SOVIET RUSSIA

morton thiokoll can stfu and stfd w/ their trying to enable the ruskies by saying we need a flight delay
They've sat longer before launches.

I'd expect on a first time crewed launch of a privately designed and built missile with the stored explosive energy of a small nuclear bomb, they want to double-check everything, 20 times.
Fake news
I don't think there are any pearls in space. And why do we need to go to space for pearls. Plenty of pearls in the sea.
looks like more thunderstorms about to hit

spent a few years in florida growing up. weather delays to watch shuttle launches were such a PITA. probably 5 hour round trip for nothing. with my sister and i probably fighting in the backseat the whole way back

obviously well worth it when the shuttle did launch