Is the NFL/NBA taking a hit on viewership?

I guess we will have to wait until Thursday to find out if these retards still want to protest until Kaepernick gets a job. Ive seen several darkies on Facebook and they are all boycotting the NFL because Kaepernick doesn't have a job. [emoji38]

This is just pure entertainment.

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So, is politics now permanently implanted in all our sports? Because one thing I don't want to think about when I'm watching my favorite football, hockey or basketball team is goddamn politics. I want to escape that shit.

Breaking: Anheuser-Busch to Speak to NFL Over Their Anthem-Military Protests
This would have been so simple - first cuck to take a knee is sent off the field and onto probation for a few games. Why? Not following the rules. Breaking rank with the team, the league and the country. Then - if that message wasn't heard or taken seriously - termination.


Again - I blame the owners and the league for being confused, weak dipshits. People are always going to do dumb shit. If they learn from their mistakes - that's great. Football is our sport. The consumers sport. We run the fucking show. Money talks. The end.
Sports has always been connected to politics.
The NFL should pay taxes and taxpayers should not subsidize privately owned billionaire stadiums.
What I love is that the liberal news is reporting that the reason viewership is down is because people left in sympathy with Colin Kaepernick. Too funny.
how long do u think it's going to take for this to fizzle out like the cnn protest, the google protest, the confederate statues outrage, who killed seth rich, and pizzagate??
Pretty soon they'll need Excel spreadsheets to keep track of what they're mad about.

But I think this NFL one might actually be the one where some MAGA happens.
About the same length as Russia collusion, pee videos, Puerto Rico, Facebook ads, private email, and the like.
I'm one of the biggest Bronco fans you'll ever meet, and Elway is a god, but as a fun fact, Elway retired a decade before players were required to be on the field for the National Anthem.