obibun hasn't posted in 12 hours

I don't even know which thread is which anymore

yeah this mornings entertainment has been poorly planned and executed and to be perfectly honest I blame Fuzzy :rainbow:

but on the plus side it almost makes TW seem like an active forum
if you're goshin, tehvicl, obibsun, or dwseaela it's a VERY active forum

and if you're gigafool you're some late 20's early 30's tool with a kid and an overbearing black wife who spends far too much time on a gaming forum passing judgment on people who are far younger and far cooler than he is or ever was

aloof passive aggressiveness++

it's got to be how you fight with your wife being that she is dominant and black

I'm not surprised you bring that behaviour here
i think aloof passive aggressive is code for how come this guy doesn't get really angry and defensive like i do when someone comes @ me on the internet
I find it pretty sad that you spend a good 75% of your time on this forum filled with "nerd virgins". Why would you spend any time with them telling them how you don't care, or how everyone is raging or a fat loser nerd virgin. Even things that people call you out on, you eventually cave just to prove them wrong.

He posts the same old pics. He won't post any new ones for some reason....hmmm.

no why the fuck would I show myself to you virgins

For someone that's a huge baller and fucks tons of models I would expect to see maybe 5 posts a week from you, not 400. If you truly do think the way you do, you would have found a more badass baller forum to brag to than TW.
lmao look who's back

you realize you just tried to call me out for spending too much time here in a thread titled "obibun hasn't posted in 12 hours" right