obibun hasn't posted in 12 hours

Funny how everyone remembers it differently to you, and we're the ones who are wrong. Maybe you didn't explain it properly in the first place? lmao
adam mitter bum licker , adam mitter bum splitter , adam mitter bun splitter , adam mitter deep dicker , adam mitter jizz spitter , adam mitter penis licker , forever alone

:lol: :lol: :lol: Bravo Tee dub
lmao look who's back

you realize you just tried to call me out for spending too much time here in a thread titled "obibun hasn't posted in 12 hours" right

I can't believe this is still going, but you realise that furthers her point right?
no it really doesn't

all it proves is that loser nerds are obsessed with me and that I was gone for 12 hours

and before that close to two weeks

but apparently I spend so much time here lmao
no it really doesn't

all it proves is that loser nerds are obsessed with me and that I was gone for 12 hours

and before that close to two weeks

but apparently I spend so much time here lmao

uhh, obi, it proves that being away from this forum for more than 12 hours was out of the norm for you. Further signifying this, you have been raging hard now for hours upon hours.
uhh, obi, it proves that being away from this forum for more than 12 hours was out of the norm for you. Further signifying this, you have been raging hard now for hours upon hours.

no, it really doesn't prove that at all

unless it's being read from the mind of a nerd loser trying to find reasons to justify his nerd rage

being that literally half the threads on the front page had "Obibun" in the name yesterday it's unsurprising that somebody would follow my absence shortly after regardless of how long I spend here normally

christ you people need an education


yeah I woke up at like 6am today because I had cottonmouth and I'm not used to getting up before like 1pm so I didn't really know what to do with myself
yo oby stop acting like a bitch no one believes your sob story. Just let it be you're beat, throw in the towel for christ sake you're gay end of story....

also the tags are fucking awesome good job to whoever did those. :bigthumb:
you realize there are like 10 nerd losers on this forum (confirmed nerd losers for the most part, only some are suspected) who seem to think I've been "beat" or am "melting down" literally every single time I have a thread

and it's always the same nerd losers

do you ever wonder why the other 350 people viewing this don't chyme in to tell me I'm beat? and why it's always the same 10-15 jealous angsty losers?

do you ever wonder how I am somehow beat 100% of the time? you'd think even a moron would win one occasionally.

and yet these 10-15 jealous nerdy losers seem to remain convinced that I am 100% of the time melting down or beat

makes you think eh



yeah I woke up at like 6am today because I had cottonmouth and I'm not used to getting up before like 1pm so I didn't really know what to do with myself

Spamming a thread full of pictures, posting a reply within seconds of anyone's post oh and getting on the defensive constantly. But not nerd-raging?