who were LT GOATS

yes i guess i could have potentially hacked every iteration of lasthope the very next day. i'm trying to keep arguments reasonable. we can extend this out to say that after 2001/2002, everyone, including you, had a bypass the very next day after a new LH was released, which would put us all at an equal footing now wouldnt it?

but that would be a silly argument
if a player good and not in ur friend circle they cheater that only explanation even though everyone was bypassing in that era

lots of bs and excuses all around

didn't expect this L MAO
ok rectum just told me in irc that he caught me using polate/pft from observer mode

why did i even post

gg 2 all
ive never once seen snow actually say 'i didn't cheat'

its always some convoluted word play 'tell me what i used' or 'i didnt know u could catch ppl like that' so he can get in some argument over semantics

its like if you're going to lie, why not just go all the way?
p sure rectal thinks everyone cheats

im not saying snow didn't cheat (i have no idea but never saw proof)

but rectal would accuse me of cheating all the time when i smurfed

and i never cheated

and was never very good at LT
i dont think i could point out anyone cheating right now

plus back when I thought certain ppl were cheating, as you reference (5+ years ago) it was a much larger hotspot for cheaters
lost and V were both home ds that thought they were much better than they were. Milk was pretty good, sometimes he had brain farts. PUs would be me, sn0w, dare, sl33py and thumper and he was one of the few that I would pick to home so I could play something else. We made many ppl cry over PUs
Can't belie e this was requested of me by multiple ppl.

tester snow a good person I don't believe he cheated.

it is common knowledge rtcll and solid snake got busted for bypassing before opsayo was achive.

I don't get these ego threads I did enough of then when I was 15 I have nothing against Cory or Jon. posting o this forum is gay. to the people that requested me post here I would like monetary compensation now thank u.