SO what's gonna happen if the cop that killed George Floyd get off?

:rofl: Such a dishonest, bias faggot.

So you think of honesty and integrity when you think of Law Enforcement? Are you really this naive?

I openly admit I have a bias against law enforcement and the “justice” system. Both are a joke and both riddled with fraud.
i'm fairly certain that mr. floyd was complaining about not being able to breathe while standing near the police car. mr. floyd also requested to lay on the ground during this time. pretty weird.

Pretty close. This particular case pits a low income criminal community against Law Enforcement. Neither of those two groups have a good reputation when it comes to honesty and integrity. Personally, I have never met an honest cop or drug addict.
How is the cop a scumbag? What else are they supposed to do to subdue someone? Hogtie him? Retards would be complaining its inhumane. Holding his knee on his shoulder area is not only safe but part of their training.

There is no winning with nigger savages on drugs. None.

Did you call me biased? At least I’m aware of it.
i'm fairly certain that mr. floyd was complaining about not being able to breathe while standing near the police car. mr. floyd also requested to lay on the ground during this time. pretty weird.

I need to watch this video again, been over a year. He requested to be put on the ground? Then why was it necessary to put weight on his “upper back, lower head not the neck” area?

My real beef with this cop’s action is the 9 minutes after he went unresponsive. You know when someone becomes deadweight. I do understand that working in these low income ghettos jades cops. But that doesn’t excuse negligence. It just makes it somewhat understandable. Sounds like chauvin had a history of violence and was investigated quite a bit for it.
Personally, I have never met an honest cop or drug addict.
Will you just shut the fuck up, you lying faggot.

I'm sure in your circle of degenerates, you know plenty of drug addicts, but I doubt you've met more than 3 cops in your life outside of one of the dipshits around you being arrested.

Even if you were telling the truth, what kind of fucking human excrement would have a long list of engagements with officers (lol, Vanster)? It would mean you're in the second group or at least a degenerate criminal yourself.

Did you call me biased? At least I’m aware of it.
No you aren't you sack of worthless shit. The fact that you think you are only means you're that much more deluded.

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Where I’m from, those in Law Enforcement are part of a large scale crime syndicate. These are the same departments that were on Whitey Bulger’s payroll. So yeah, I don’t think of integrity when I think of cops

rip the only cop who cared
Cool. In 2017 in her state 9 other people were killed by cops.

Let me remind you of what you said, and what I was countering:
And the whites that get killed, get killed for the same reasons more or less. They try to fight the cop(s) or fire on them point guns at them, whatever. Cops aren't going to get injured or killed to satisfy peoples sense of social/racial justice. It doesn't matter your color, you try to fight the cops and you're going to get fucked up

Here's a woman who was about as non-threatening as it is possible to be, and still wound up getting killed by a cop. For literally no reason other than he panicked, pulled his gun and put a bullet in her.

So while yes, resisting will possibly get you killed, so can being the one to have called the cops in the first place. The situation is utterly fucked up and broken on all sides.
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