[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

75 miles last week, you? Lots of Doritos, sugar drinks and Xbox? gj.

~125 miles round trip, daytona did 33 mpg
i went with the spicy nacho doritos
not even an entire 20 oz sodie pop, but @ least a gross oz of the walter's chile beer
playstation b/c it has exclusive rights 2 mlb the show

oh oh can i get in on this dick swinging?

i don't jog (i can sprint fast,,,)
but today I caught 3 overhead waves within the first 30 minutes of paddling out
stayed out for 2.5 hours
and got lots of great waves with 7 other guys
until my arms fell off
(i know you athletes like technical jargon so...)
brought out the 6'9" rounded pin semi-gun tri-fin
instead of my trusty 5'9" Cymatic quad-fin
the waves were that powerful

Took off late on one wave 9 ft face wave and fell from the top to the flat of the wave and cinched up some trap muscles... not to bad, i'll be out tomorrow morning again.

Thank goodness
President Donald Trump
has made this all possible for me
I look forward to his next 4 years in office.....

at which point it will be definitively proven (((she))) is dead
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Do you think threatening violence is an evolved, mature way to conduct yourself?

I saw Havax fantasize about a fight with real bullets; I never threatened violence at all. Put down the crack-pipe?

im not sure who megan rapino is

This was my mistake, and I'll own it. Megan Rapinoe is an athlete, and this. . .is TW. Athletics, math and science isn't exactly in ya'll boys wheelhouse.
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Like I said, I'll give you directions, nicotine-boy. All you have to do is pull up, step your pudgy ass onto my property, and I'll take it from there.

I saw Havax fantasize about a fight with real bullets; I never threatened violence at all. Put down the crack-pipe?

This was my mistake, and I'll own it. Megan Rapinoe is an athlete, and this. . .is TW. Athletics, math and science isn't exactly in ya'll boys wheelhouse.

Vanster deploys alinsky tactics at waypoint.
Just wondering if they'll fill in his underground sex dungeon with cement or try to repurpose it for something else.