[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

Are you kidding?

He is closely associated with well placed, upper class... they'll probably banish and "imprison" him on his own island and then fly out to check up on him regularly to ensure he is obeying the conditions of his sentence.
I saw Havax fantasize about a fight with real bullets; I never threatened violence at all. Put down the crack-pipe?
of course you didn’t. Numerous times.
This was my mistake, and I'll own it. Megan Rapinoe is an athlete, and this. . .is TW. Athletics, math and science isn't exactly in ya'll boys wheelhouse.
i had to google it. I cut the cord a couple months ago but even if I didn’t, I’d probably choose to watch my family being murdered than watch women’s football. Joke team lost 5-2 to a dallas u15 team of boys. Sad really.

So your example of a super athlete is at the level of an above average Texan boy that has just entered puberty. I’m sure she’s a super athlete bro.
im not sure who megan rapino is; is this another bull dyke you’ve choked or something?

She's the middle aged dude who said he wouldn't go to the whitehouse if the womens soccer team won.

The amount of people not caring was overwhelming
Ilhan Omar admits she may have flubbed facts in dramatic story she told high school students

Rep. Ilhan Omar admitted that she may have embellished part of the story she told to high school students in an apparent attempt to showcase racial and economic disparities in the country.

The Minnesota Democrat recently told hundreds of Richfield High School student that about five years ago, when she was working as a Minneapolis city councilman, she witnessed an example of injustice that shook her to the core.

She recalled a “sweet, old… African American lady” who was detained for a whole weekend for stealing a $2 loaf of bread to feed her “starving 5-year-old granddaughter,” according to the Washington Post, and screamed an expletive in court after the woman was fined $80 for the crime.

“I couldn’t control my emotions," Omar told students, “because I couldn’t understand how a roomful of educated adults could do something so unjust.”

“Omar’s story echoed the plot of ‘Les Miserables.' If true, it is also probably embellished,” the newspaper claimed. “City officials said that police aren’t allowed to arrest people for shoplifting unless there’s a likelihood of violence or further crime. Typically, shoplifters are sentenced to attend a three-hour class.”

Omar apparently “flubbed some facts” when telling the story to the students and told the newspaper that the woman may have not been just a one-time innocent shoplifter.

“She might have had a prior [arrest],” Omar said. “I’m not sure…The details might not have all matched, but that’s what I remember.”

Her prior arrest was for animal cruelty and child abuse not theft of a loaf of bread :lol:
I think browsing the headlines at Conservative Blog Conservative News Source for Right of Center Activists | RedState would make just about anyone happy. I perused them only 20 seconds and had several chuckles.
Users On Wikipedia are Trying to Quietly Edit Out Democratic Connections In Epstein’s Bio

Upon clicking on Epstein’s bio, you’ll be treated to various facts about his life, such as the fact that he was good friends with Clinton, as well as disgraced actor and sexual assaulter Kevin Spacey. In fact, it details that Clinton had been on Epstein’s private plane 26 times.

Or at least that’s what you would have seen if you had pulled up Epstein’s page at around 8:30 this morning. According to some eagle eyed Twitter users, the page was edited sometime between then and 10:30 this morning with the connections to Clinton and Spacey now completely gone.

Twitter user Desiree Mills posted the screenshots to Twitter, as you can see below.


[New leftist version]


However, if the page suddenly does become locked with the information subtracted from Epstein’s page, we’ll know that it wasn’t just randoms on the internet looking to separate Democrats from something Democrats have recently been known to do, and that’s involve children in sex.

That said, it’d be a real shame if you spread this article around and ruined their efforts to stop people from connecting Democrats to Epstein.

Regardless of their attempts at rewriting history, the connection between Epstein and Democrats is pretty established at this point. People are going to want answers as to who Epstein was connected to, and I can imagine there will be more sleuthing into who else may be engaging in sexual acts with children.