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  1. B

    [RVON] Racist Video or Not?

    Q1iUSARF_v4 Found this pretty hilarious, but is it truly racist or not?
  2. B

    Brought up some memories

    I was listening to the Jurassic Park main theme, which brought up some old memories. The first memory I have is my grandfather letting me watch this when I was about 2, which freaked my mom out because she thought it was too freaky to let an infant watch it. He said "the kid is fine, just look."...
  3. B

    [realtalk] As much as I will be hated for this...

    You're all pretty great. Whenever I have a fucking terrible day, I know I can come on here, get sworn at, see the most disturbing shit on the internet, watch wars between people, and occasionally see pretty fucking awesome shit. I definitely appreciate Obi being ridiculously over masculine...
  4. B

    This is a cat gif
