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  1. V

    [DIVORCED TWs]The questions to all your answers regarding women are right here

    I have three questions (1) Why did you do it - and what made it break? (2) Would you, or have you, done it again? (3) General lessons to be learned from the big school of negative personal equity? I'll start (1) Mine was definitely the 'batshit' category. The loopy, crazy things that made...
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    English Matador Retires - My Hero of the Day

    63 years old, retires after knee injury. Learnt bullfighting using a shopping trolley fitted with horns in Salford (tough downtown area in Manchester). Killed first bull in 1966. This is a game player. :cool:
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    US Forces banned from London - So much for no retreat Mr Bush

    US Forces (Un-)banned from London EDIT : The BBC have edited and extended this article considerably from what they initially posted which was fairly raw. London ban for US service staff Thousands of US military personnel based in the UK have been banned from travelling to London in the...
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    Rules of the Rest Room

    I wrote this up after a particularly rough night as a sanitorial consultant. I was in a bad mood. Do not spread this without crediting me, you fuckers. Rules of the Rest Room: I find lately when cleaning toilets that I have less patience for idiocy than I had before... which is saying...
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    Flourescent tube + petrol = light sabre
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    Sushi will never taste the same again

    Cliff : China bans meals served on naked women
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    I have met Saddam Hussein...

    ...exactly the same number of times as Donald Rumsfeld met him. The difference is that Donald Rumsfeld met him to sell him guns and to give him maps the better to target those guns." - George Galloway MP aka Braveheart This guy is a racist, psychopath - but he sure kicked ass on Capital Hill...