Search results

  1. D

    WorstAim, are you Chinese?

    Because you haxed my heart
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    10 day trial key

    Anyone have a spare one? I'm thinking about getting another account. :\
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    [Epic]Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun
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    What Dreams May Come

    Just watched this movie. Freaking amazing, anyone seen it?
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    [What would win] Squid, Whale, or T-rex?

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    [Suckers] Fake Talent Agency

    So for a while I've had this fake talent agency, been making money off stupid "musicians." I ask for $250 and promise them a BUNCH of stuff. you know, gigs, tours, promotions etc. They don't sign a contract so I wont have to do shit for them. I've been making loads off this. Hope I don't get...
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    why can't the speed of light can't go any slower or faster than the speed of light?

    because it wouldn't be the speed of light :o :lol:
  8. D

    What were they thinking?

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    Late Night/Early Morning Crew

    Sup. I'm bored. Suggestions?
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    An interview with our very own mstrike. On an unrelated note:
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    [OiNK] Invites

    So who's got some? Hook me up. Demonkiller at
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    Late Night/Early Morning Crew

    Sup? :wave:
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    [Tinfoil hats]uTorrent comments?
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    Would you hit it?

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    1.8 is open

    The Public Test Realms are live! Players can now experience, and help us test, all the changes and additions coming in patch 1.8, including four outdoor raid dragons, completely revamped Silithus, Druid talent improvements, and many other exciting features. Click here to view the patch 1.8...
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    [Commercial]Get GoatzXtreme Platform Jumping :lol: